The minimum wage in Venezuela Scares anyone, there is talk of hyper inflation when the minimum wage is 248,000 Bs, equivalent to 1.07 $, the addition of food basket of 549,000 Bs, equivalent to 2,300, for which the minimum integral wage that 80% of the Venezuelan population earns 797,000Bs, equivalent to 3.46 $ MONTHLY!
which translates to 26,560Bs per day ($ 0.11), 3,320Bs per hour ($ 0.014) .. something totally spooky!
and that's not the worst part of the case, the average person uses public transport, where users use the service 1 roundtrip and 1 roundtrip, in other more critical cases use 2 roundtrip buses, taking that critical case knowing that the urban passage has a value of 3,000bs and the extra urban 6,000bs (the most economical) take account.
urban round trip ticket 6.000bs
round trip ticket extra urban 12,000b
total 18,000bs
this without counting the food and the servitude
then the time per day 26,560Bs and spend on transport 18,000Bs, subtract 8,560Bs, equivalent to the month to 256,800Bs ...
Remember that we have only included the cost of transport ... now only some products of the basic basket ...
Capital 256,800 Bs
1kg of cheese 280,000Bs
1kg of chicken 230,000Bs
1kg of meat 320,000Bs
1kg of pasta 150,000Bs
1kg of rice 130,000Bs
1kg of milk 200,000Bs
and this only wanting those products ... now take account and reflect .... the crisis and inflation of Venezuela is not a game, our brothers are going hungry, unfortunately it is no longer a political issue, it is already survival .... .
Your brother if you are from another country and you see a Venezuelan emigrated, help him ... he goes through this and has a family that is still going through this ... greetings friends
Buena hermano...aqui estamos cualquier cosa @marakoy.... nosotros somos Venezolanos tambien
Gracias hermano, asi mismo hay que ayudarnos ! saludos y exitos