Hallo everyone!!!
This is a cycle of my articles about nginx ,php ,mariadb server .In the previous article, we download all needed programs,and now we well be configurating tham all !!!
OK what we going to do now :
We need to download one more thing RunHiddenConsole
why we need that? - in order to hide the command line window!!
yes we well be hide windows)))
unpack archive , and save RunHiddenConsole.exe to the new created folder, name that "scripts". Ok! - Now add your scripts folder to the system path as described in previous article
- Now we well create contrlols for our server:
open folder scripts and in notepad create file, and save as start-nginx.bat and put text in :
ECHO Starting NGINX server...
cd E:\nginx
RunHiddenConsole.exe nginx.exe@ECHO off -
open folder scripts and in notepad create file, and save as exit-nginx.bat and put text in :
taskkill /im nginx.exe /f
open folder scripts and in notepad create file, and save as start-phpcgi and put text in :
ECHO Starting PHP FastCGI...
RunHiddenConsole.exe php-cgi.exe -b OFF -
open folder scripts and in notepad create file, and save as exit-nginx.bat and put text in :
taskkill /im php-cgi.exe /f
and last file is reload-nginx.bat:
nginx -s reload
- Finally, we have five controls files!!! Yoope!!!!!!!
Ok. Now open nginx folder, find folder "conf" and open it,create in one folder "conf" than
find file "nginx.conf", open that by notepad.Now we will edit that,after line "keepalive_timeout 65;"
add line "include yuur_path_to_nginx_folder/nginx/conf/conf/*.conf";
(yuur_path_to_nginx_folder - that is your path!!! dont type that!!!!) -
in creater early folder conf, create new file , name it site.conf, and add somthing like that:
server { listen 80; server_name my.site; access_log E:/nginx/logs/site.acc.log; error_log E:/nginx/logs/site.err.log; root E:/nginx/html/site/; location / { index index.html index.htm index.php; } location ~ \.php$ { fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } }
save file!!!
in folder html, create folder site,
and create file index.php ,put in that:
phpinfo(); YES WE Done IT and at last we will start that shit)))))))) ok sorry Yes my english , is realy not well, but i study... ok start press "window"+R type cmd in command line type start-phpcgi, press enter than press start-nginx, press enter... and now open your browser in adreess bar type and you will have somth like that : Congratulation you start your first home pc testing server on nginx + php 7!!!
ok in comments please tell what doing files:
Cool yes?Ok
Thath all for today,VOITE!!!PREss LIKE!!!
next time, we will create pages !!!
its will be some magiс for all of us!!!
add to follover!!!!
I like your post. It is intresting and verry clearly
thanks meggy!!
yiur posts too very cool !!!
its cool stuf=))
Nice post mr,
Don forget to Folback and upvote back my articles
i am not aware of coding language
interenting... good post