History of Islamic Religion in Indonesia | Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam

in #blog7 years ago

History of Islam, aceh Sultanate was established in 1514, located on the northern tip of Sumatra island. Its founder was the sultan of Ali Mughayat Shah who reigned from 1514 to 1530. In 1520, he began his military campaign to take control of northern Sumatra. In this history his first campaign was conducted in Daya, in the northwest, which, according to Time Pires, is not familiar with Islam. Furthermore, Ali mughayat Shah spreads its wings to the eastern coast which is famous for its rich spices and gold.
To strengthen the people's economy and maritime military forces, the establishment of many ports. The crossing to Deli and Aru was the last extension of the area by the sultan Ali Mughayat. The Sultan was also able to expel the POrtugis garrison from the Deli area, which included Pedir and Pasai. However, during the crossing of Aru (1824), Ali Mughayat's army could be defeated by the Portuguese Fleet.
In addition to threatening Portuguese as the owner of the maritime military forces in the region, the military action of Sultan Ali Mughayat Syah was also threatening the Sultanate of Johor. In 1521 the sultanate of Atjeh extended to Pidie, and in 1524 to pasai and Aru, then followed Perlak, Tamiang, and Lamuri. The sultanate of Aceh Darusalam is a continuation of the sultanate Pasai Sultanate which was destroyed in the 14th century.
There are several other historical versions of the establishment of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam. According to Hikayat Aceh, Aceh Darusalam is a union of two kingdoms, each ruled by Sultan Muzaffar Syah (Pidie) and king Inayat Syah (Aceh Besar), two brothers. One day broke out the battle between the two, and was won by Muzaffar Shah. He united Pidie and Aceh Besar, then gave him the name Aceh Darussalam.
The Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam in charge of six small kingdoms; the kingdom of Perlak, the Kingdom of Samudra Pasai, the Kingdom of Tamiang, the Kingdom of Pidie, the Kingdom of Indrapura, and the Indrajaya Kingdom. The Book of Bustanus Salatin, the chronicles of the kings of aceh, calls Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah the first aceh sultan. He established the Sultanate of Aceh by unifying some of these small kingdoms. The center of the empire is. Banda Aceh, also called Kuta Raja.

Banda Aceh as a trading port is not too small to harbor large ships in the 16th century. Harbor banda aceh easily accessible by various types of merchant ships. So, Aceh is getting crowded. Especially since Malacca fell into the hands of the Portuguese, Muslim merchants prefer to dock in Banda Aceh. Not only Muslim traders, non-Portuguese foreign traders also enliven the port of Banda Aceh, so that the sultanate of Aceh get many benefits.
In history during his reign, the sultanate of Aceh has been ruled by many sultans.
They are

  • Sultan Ali Mughayat Shah (1514 - 1530)
  • Sultan Salahuddin (1530 - 1538)
  • Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Shah Al-Qahhar (1538 - 1571)
  • Sultan Husain (1571 - 1579)
  • Sultan Muda (still a child) (1579, just a few months)
  • Sultan Sri Alam (1579)
  • Sultan Zainul Abidin (1579)
  • Sultan Buyung (1586 - 1588)
  • Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Shah Sayid al-Mukammal (1589 - 1604)
  • Sultan Ali R'ayat Syah (1604 - 1607)
  • Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607 - 1636)
  • Sultan Iskandar Tsani (1636 - 1641)
  • Sultanat Safiatuddin Tajul Alam (1641 - 1675)
  • Sultanat Naqiyatuddin Nurul Alam (1675 - 1678)
  • Sultanat Inayat Syah (1678 - 1688)
  • Sultanat Kamalat Syah (1688 - 1699)
  • Sultan Badrul Alam Syarif hasyim jamaluddin (1699 - 1702)
  • Sultan Perkasa Alam syarif Lamtury (1702 - 1726)
  • Sultan Jauharul Alam badrul Munir (1703 - 1726)
  • Sultan Jauharul Alam Aminuddin (just a few days)
  • Sultan Syamsul Alam (just a few days)
  • Sultan Johan (1735 - 1760)
  • Sultan Mahmud Shah (1760 - 1781)
  • Sultan Badruddin (1764 - 1765)
  • Sultan Sulaiman Shah (1773)
  • Sultan Alauddin Muhammad (1781 - 1795)
  • Sultan Alauddin Jauharul Alam (1795 - 1815)
  • Sultan Saiful Alam (1815 - 1818)
  • Sultan Jauharul Alam (1818 - 1824)
  • Sultan Muhammad Shah (1838 - 1870)
  • Sultan Mansyur Syah (1838 - 1870)
  • Sultan Mahmud Syah (1870 - 1874)
  • Sultan Muhammad Daud Shah (1878 - 1903)
    In 1521, the Acehnese sultanate was handed over by a Portuguese fleet led by Jorge D. Britto. However, the attack could be broken by the sultan Ali Mughayat Shah.
    In 1530, Ali Mughayat Shah died, then the throne of Aceh Darussalam held by his eldest son, Sultan Salauddin. In Salahuddin's time, precisely in 1537, Aceh Darussalam Aceh launched an attack on malaka which was dominated by protugis.
    Unfortunately, the sultan Salahduddin was seen as being too soft by allowing missionaries to work in the midst of batak in the east coast of sumatra. He is also seen as having little regard for Government affairs. So then Salahuddin was replaced by brother, Sultan Alauddin Ri'ayat Shah al-Qahhar, in 1538.
    During the reign of Sultan Alauddin al-Qahhar, the sultanate of Aceh attacked Malacca twice, in 1547 and 1568. According to the Portuguese traveler, Mendez Pinto, Acehnese troops at that time had soldiers from various countries, including from Turkey, Cambay and Malabar. It shows that good diplomatic relations have been carried out by the sultan Alauddin al-Qahhar. Other evidence of good diplomatic relations has been undertaken by the sultan Alauddin al-Qahhar. Another proof of diplomatic relations is the news that the Sultan is also slicing diplomatic envoys abroad. For example in 1562 messengers were sent to istambul to buy cannons from the Turkish sultan. Sultan Alauddin al-Qahhar also brought scholars from India and Persia to spread the message of Islam, brought the ulama into the interior of Sumatra, established the Islamic center in ulakan, and brought Islam to minangkabau and indrapura, sultan al-Qahhar died on September 28 1571.

Following the departure of the sultan Alauddin, there was tension in the process of power change, until then an old cleric named Sayyid al-Mukammil disepekati be king. Then in his time, Ali R'ayat Shah appeared to replace al-Mukammil.
In 1607, Aceh was invaded by the Portuguese. Sultan Ali Ri'ayat Shah was killed in the raid. Luckily then a brilliant young man emerged over the circumstances. He was the young Iskandar, the nephew of the Emperor. The young Iskandar rose to lead the resistance, to the point of kicking the Portuguese out of Aceh Darussalam. The Book of Bustanun Salatin mentions that later Iskandar Muda was crowned as sultan at 6 Dhu al-Hijjah 1015, or early April 1607.
The young Iskandar is a tough and tough person. The royal aristocracy controlled him with a knot. They were required to attend the night duty in the palace every three days, without weapons. After all controlled, young iskandar holds the control of rice production. In his time, the Sultanate of Aceh Darussalam exported rice out of the region. The Sultan tightened maritime taxes on foreign ships, arranging business taxes, even imposing taxes on illegally harbored vessels.
In the military field, young iskandar built a very strong army. A foreigner named Beaulieu recorded the number of ground troops Aceh about 40 thousand people. For the fleet is estimated to have 100 - 200 ships, including a 30 meter wide ship with a crew of 600 - 800 people equipped with three cannons. He also hired a white foreigner as a military advisor, who introduced European war techniques. Estimated, the advisor is from France.
With such a powerful military force, Aceh struck Deli fortress. Some other kingdoms were also conquered, such as Johor (1613), Pahang (1618), Kedah (1619), Serta Tuah (1620).
The sultanate of Aceh experienced a period of keeemasan during the period of Sultan Iskandar Muda (1607 - 1636). As mentioned, Iskandar Muda succeeded in repelling the Portuguese forces from the land of Aceh. The hostilities of Aceh with Portuguese did not stop there. Because during the leadership of young Iskandar also, Aceh Darussalam invade Portugal in the Malacca Strait.
In 1629, the sultanate of Aceh carried out a massive attack on the Portuguese in Malacca. With a fleet of hundreds of warships and tens of thousands of marine troops, Aceh hit the Portuguese. The attack was carried out in an effort to expand Aceh's political and trading influence over the Straits of Malacca and the Malay Peninsula. Unfortunately, although aceh had managed to encircle malacca from all directions, this attack was successfully deflected by the Portuguese.
In addition to the military field, aceh at the time of Iskandar Muda also triumphed in the field of science. In literature and religious science, aceh gave birth to several prominent scholars. Two prominent ones are Hamzah Fansuri and Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani. Both are scientists who study the sciences of mysticism or mysticism of Islam.
Iskandar Muda died on 29 rajab 1046 H or 27 December 1636. two years earlier, young iskandar had appointed Iskandar Tsani as his successor. The successor is the young iskandar's son-in-law. Before appointing his son-in-law, Iskandar Muda first ordered his own son (who became a blessed sultan) to be killed.
Sultan Iskandar Tsani (1634 - 1641) acted softer than his predecessor, and did not minister with an iron fist. The young Iskandar places more emphasis on the development of his country on religious matters than power. So did his wife, Sultanah Taju al-Alam Syafiatuddin Shah (1641 - 1675), who became Iskandar Tsani's successor after her husband's death.
At the beginning of the reign of Sultanah Taju al-Alam Syafiatuddin Shah, the glory of Aceh in the political, economic and military fields began to decline. For, some people are not quite happy with women's leadership. Thus, the power of the uleebalang (hulubalang) also increases as a result.
After Sultanah Taju al-Alam Syafiatuddin Shah, three women took control of the kingdom of Aceh. They are Sultanah Nurul Alam Zakiatuddin Shah (1675 - 1677), Queen Inayat Zakiatuddin Shah (1677 - 1688), and Queen Kamalat (1688 - 1699).
When the sultanate of Aceh was led by the sultan Iskandar Tsani, in Aceh lived the cleric of the Origin of Gujarat, namely Sheikh Nur al-Din ar-Raniri. This cleric wrote the book of Siratal Mustaqim, knows the worship in Islam. At the request of the sultan, he also wrote the book Bustanus Salatin, which became his most popular work.
On the protection of Sultan Iskandar Tsani, Nur al-Din al-Raniri declared the prohibition of the teachings of Hamzah Fansuri and Syamsuddin as-Sumatrani. According to the Nuruddin fatwa, the religious understanding of the hamzah and Syamsuddin are incompatible with the original teachings of Islam. Furthermore, Nur al-Din ar-Raniri led the burning of books by his predecessors.
When the throne of Sultan Iskandar Tsani turned to Sultanah Taju al-Alam Syafiatuddin Shah, Nur al-Din ar-Raniri left Aceh. His position as a great cleric of the kingdom was replaced by Abdurrauf as-Singkeli. The scholar is also known as Teungku Syiah Kuala. At the request of Sultanah, in 1663 Abdurrauf as-Singkeli wrote the book Mir'at at-Tullab fi tsil Ma'rifat Ahmad asy Syari'iyyah li al Malik Wahhab or mirror for those who study the jurisprudence in making it easy to know all the hkum of Allah.
Accompanying the writing of the books by Abdurrauf, Sultanah Taju al-Alam also promoted the education of Islam through Jamiah Baiturrahman in banda Aceh, and sent the Qur'an and books of the aceh scholars to the kings of ternate, Tidore and Bacan in Maluku, as well as sending Islamic religious teachers.
The next Sultanah was Sri Ratu Niqiyatuddin Nurul Alam, then inayat Shah, and last Kamalat Shah. In 1699, the reign of the sultanah or the female sultan was stopped. Because the background is quite serious, namely the fatwa of Mecca which stipulates that the Islamic Shari'ah forbids women to govern the country.
The sultanate of Aceh at the beginning of the 18th century experienced a series of seizures. Several competing sultans came from the Sayid group, the descendant of Fatimah bint Prophet Muhammad SAW, who was born in Aceh. One of the Sayids who became sultans was Jamalul Alam badrul Munir, who reigned in 1703 - 1726. the sultan was dropped in 1726, then thereafter waged a resistance against the later sultans, including Sultan Ahmad Syah (1727-1735) and his son, Sultan Johan (1735 - 1760). Jamalul Alam eventually died in the battle against Sultan Johan.
In 1816, Sultan Saiful Alam fought with Jauharul Alam Aminuddin. Jauharul Alam won the succession and became the sultan of Aceh with the help of England. After that, Aceh signed a deal with Britain represented by Thomas Stamford Raffles. Through the agreement, the English had the opportunity to trade in the Sultanate of Aceh, in return for security guarantees for Aceh from the UK. This Agreement was made on 22 April 1818.
On March 17, 1824, Britain and the Netherlands made an agreement in london which, among other things, contained the honor of the sovereignty of aceh by the Dutch. On 2 November 1871 signed the Treaty of Sumatra, a new treaty between Dutch and the UK by canceling the London agreement. This agreement gave Britain the freedom to develop power in Malaya, and for the Netherlands to expand its power in Sumatra.

The sultanate of Aceh continued. However, the pamornya gradually subsided. Internal infighting is unceasing. Meanwhile, the center of economic and political activities shifted south to the territory of Riau - Johor - Malacca. Aceh only emerged again two centuries later, yaknik at the end of the 19th century. At that time, the Dutch tried to control the region. The Acehnese aristocracy's resistance ensued. Once again, the history of Aceh is colored by the leadership of women, through the resistance of Tjut Nya 'Dhien. By reason of defeating Tjut Nya 'Dhien, the Dutch violated the sovereignty of Aceh by invading the capital of the Sultanate of Aceh in 1873, occupying Banda Aceh, as well as other coastal cities. In January 1874, the aceh sultanate's palace was captured by the Dutch. Thus, the Dutch claim that Aceh belongs to the East Indies government and the Aceh Darussalam Sultanate is abolished.
Under these conditions, the struggle of the Acehnese people has not stopped. Sultan Mahmud Shah who managed to escape from the Dutch ambush was still guerrilla. After Mahmud Shah finally died from illness, the struggle against the invaders was continued by the people of Aceh and the Rencong land commander, until 1903