End of The World

in #blog7 years ago

So the news today oh boy. Its the end of the world as we know it. The news I guess is running out of real news stories, instead the debate is, "Who is Kim Kardashian's surrogate, could it be Kylie Jenner?" I don't know ladies and gentleman she has been out of the spotlight and Kim has indicated that this person is trustworthy, etc.., blah, blah, blah.
Really maybe we should be focusing on how our Federal Government is shut down for even just a day because politicians cannot agree on important key spending for the vast American public. Oh but you know the politicians are not the ones going without a paycheck, worrying how they will support their families or worst yet how we as Americans get to watch our tax paying dollars going out the window and for what?? So one political party can show their muscle and snub their noses at the President? Whether you are pro-Trump or anti-Trump, the Federal Government should NEVER shut down. Perhaps as more and more states are requiring welfare recipents to be drug tested,; perhaps we as American people should insist that unless a fiscally sound budget is agreed upon by both parties by said date, then the Senate, the Congress, the Democrats and the Republicans do not receive a paycheck. In fact, how about we go a step further and freeze their assets and bank accounts. Because let's face it, they don't live paycheck to paycheck like most Americans. Hit them where it would really hurt, no traveling, no expensive lunches or whatever it is they do with all that money they get paid.
I don't know about you but I know I would sleep a little better at night.-