Have I really sunk this low?
I was just so shocked to meet a guy on chat that wasn’t threatening to flag me, that I agreed to wallow in the mud with the lepers. Not since the Navy have I sunk so low with another man and now it's happening again!
It's so obvious that I am the best writer on Steemit, but do you people celebrate me?
It's so frustrating writing for a bunch idiots who become enraged with jealousy at every word I type. To make matters worse, I caught a guy trying to hide comments on my post like some digital Trojan horse. Can you believe this? They will literally stop at nothing to bring me down!
This sucks!
All my life people have been jealous of me. When I was seven I went to some dickheads birthday party and when the clown saw my potential, he began giving me extra attention to show me the secrets of making balloon animals. He even gave me his phone number for private lessons, but were the other kids happy for me?
They were so jealous that they refused to watch me make poodles and bunnies, instead they actually had Slappy The Clown arrested and to make matters worse everyone at school began calling me clowny-pants.
Seriously, can you believe the lengths kids will go to break my will, just because I was better than them at making balloon animals? Their accusations became so bad that my parents made me talk at Slappy’s trial, but did it help?
Slappy never gave me another lesson again, but even that doesn’t compare to the hatred I’ve felt here on Steemit.
Seriously, Steemit sucks!
I opened the blog of one of my voters the other day, clicked their top post and left a message thanking them for recognizing my genius, but then, hours later, I received an angry reply from somebody completely different.
How can Steemit be this screwed up?
It’s like the 80’s version of the phone company, where every time you pick up the phone you hear Philipinos ordering a pizza.
I read that the lead programmer is some sneaky guy, can you believe this? It’s no wonder all the wires are crossed around here and I bet you anything, he's the one sneaking hidden comments on my posts.
This sucks!
Try meditation it will sooth your spirit and help you forget your past troubles.
The screenshots are hilarious and the redacted lady is awesome, kiddo!