My Crypto Portfolio Blog

in #blog7 years ago

Hi Everyone,

This will be my first post ever and will also try to continue to post similar posts with respects to this.

I will try to outline in this blog of mine my crypto journey through the days, weeks, months, and years.

Talk about the highs and the lows and whatever else comes to mind.

So as first post I'd figure I'll stay how I got started into cryptos. It was around 7 years ago, and I had started working for a couple years after I finished university and I first heard about the bitcoin pizza story. Relaying this to my friend who also happened to work with me at the same company at the time, I asked if he thought this was a good idea. Us being young and stupid we thought it would be better buying the pizza with real money instead, why spend money to buy these imaginary bitcoins and then buy the pizza. Well I wish we didn't listen to our logical brains at that time and bought the bitcoin itself, but hind sight is always 20/20.

Fast forward 7 years and after watching from the sidelines of bitcoin and cryptos in general going up and down I finally decided to take the plunge in early summer 2017.

I will be doing hopefully daily to weekly updates of moves I've made with regards to my portfolio.

My current positions as a % of my portfolio:


Sub was my most recent addition today. Been wanting to get in on this coin since a couple weeks back when it was hovering around $0.4 USD. Finally decided to take the plunge with Net Neutrality being a big issue, Substratum might be the answer to this with its intent of a decentralized internet.

Hope whoever sees this likes this and comes back for more when I put out updates.


Nice put most into XRP which looks nice currently.

Thanks! And yes most of my allocation was towards XRP from the very beginning, barring a major world wide incident my thought process was to more of my money towards cryptos that were working with world institutions. Banks/Govts aren't going away any time soon and XRP is trying to actively work with them and provide a very real solution to a very real problem.

Smart thinking.