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RE: Chemitrails - They Finally Confess

in #blog8 years ago

I have done a fair bit of research into this subject, and the two chemicals attributed to these things are Barium and Alumina. It just so happens that 'trade secret' protected additives for jet fuel contain these things. Barium for antifreeze and aluminium based surfactants for anticorrosion. Both of these produce the effect of putting these into the air as aerosols, and the important property about them is they reflect radio waves. Not only that, but it ends up inside our bodies and all around every place where there is major air transit flightpaths.

And that is before you get to experimental applications for military, such as improving the range and efficiency of microwave energy weapons, radio transmissions, and the like.

The best way to get people to ignore something you are doing, is to surreptitiously insert a lot of bullshit into the discussion, so then you can point at it and declare that it's woo woo. This is called 'dogma'. The catholics believed the earth was 6000 years old and at the centre of the universe (which is true, in some sense, but not like they believed). They killed many scientists over this. These days, mostly they don't kill them, but they instead attack them with information and psychological warfare.

What I just explained in the foregoing, is sufficient, by itself, to understand that this is a real problem. It just does not tell you how massive the program is, and we plebs can't know that because national security. National security trumps health, any day of the week for governments, a bit like survival is the base regulator of any animal's behaviour.