
in #blog3 years ago

In the current vast ocean of information – it is easy to lose oneself for the illusion of being a part of something bigger. But is it worth it?

Trading ourselves for treats

Our current society promotes the selling of ourselves for money, fame, power, and overall happiness. It tricks the masses into thinking that it will get more when it participates in these global ideologies. This act of self-sacrifice may be positive in an alternative universe but right now we are building a toxic society in which if you participate you get to be taken advantage of. You begin being a puppet into this whole show that is being built and masqueraded as the bright future when in reality it destroys the self while replacing it with something unnatural.


The long-term investment path

When you invest in yourself by building your individuality – you grow as a person who values its future. You build your self-sustained future, not relying on someone else to bring you happiness, money, and fulfillment. The biggest joy in life is to build your individuality, to grow, to be happy in the process, and see yourself bloom as time goes by. There is nothing more beautiful as the long-term investment that you can give to yourself.

How to create our individuality?

We will create our identity by playing a game. People give more advice to others than themselves, they care more for their loved ones than they care about themselves – so we are going to pretend that our child version is sitting in front of us. We are going to model our version by saying kind words to it, by taking care of it as it is a real human being. We are going to talk to ourselves as if we are talking to our most loved ones. We are going to redirect the love we give to others to ourselves and begin building our desired individuality. We create by playfulness, happiness, and passion so we use these three factors while talking to our little self. By that we are going to reprogram our brain slowly to become happier, to find itself, to rebuild its passion for the beauty of life. This technique is really simple but extremely effective.

The process is slow

Step by step, you will begin to influence your mind. Taking care of yourself is the first step, then you build healthier habits on top of that which snowball slowly into a healthy lifestyle. The process is really slow but once it starts to build up – it makes your life a lot easier, happier, and more enjoyable. You need to most importantly give love to yourself so as to know how to love others and how to evolve with time. It is never egoistic to set yourself first on top of everybody else – it is necessary. You need to be self–reliable so you can really enjoy life, love, and everything beautiful around you. This does not necessarily mean monetary freedom – it means that psychologically you are enough, you do not need anybody or anything else for your fulfillment but the people around you, your family, your lover are a gift to make your life even better. People need to be self–sufficient first so they can give the world around them the most of them.


Never sell your soul…

By giving somebody else your individuality you begin to play somebody else game. You participate in another man’s life where you begin to feel empty because you never have enough time and passion to care for yourself. It is never worth the trade because at the end of the day you lose yourself and while you sit alone with yourself you feel as you are sitting with a stranger who has never had a conversation with itself. You have never got to know yourself which is the biggest misery a man can have. Never allow it to happen or you waste your life being a part of a game where you would never win. The biggest gain you can get is by creating your desired self, your desired reality, and living in it being the king/queen you have been destined to be. As always, thanks for reading. Until next time – peace, love, and eternal happiness <3