WoW 24 hours without electric power in my community, I do not know without in the rest of the country also suffered the cut in the electric service, but in my wedding it was crazy this weekend, without water, hahahaha a madness.
But I have not come to talk about the problems of my country, in recent days I have been doing short publications, which have motivated me to keep writing constantly since these types of publications are perfect to convey a message to the community or share with my followers every moment of my life or my day to day.
In the most natural and original way you can, and to publish more than 1500 words was getting boring and many users do not take the time to read something so long, of course if it is not of interest they will not read it.
But I have given that short publications are well received by the community, especially those where we share fun moments.
Claro will continue to make high quality publications with valuable information for my followers, as long as it has something of great importance to share with you, meanwhile I will continue uploading small updates of my day to day.
Like what I could do on Sunday, share with my son, in his little hammock and cook a delicious rice with chicken.
This is all for today ... Maybe, write something more at the end of the day or night, hahahaha if the electronic service does not present any more flaws.
Thank you very much for reading me.