
in #blog8 years ago

So I'm finally making the jump from windows 7 to windows 10 on my gaming pc. Not sure its a wise move but im curious about DirectX 12. I'm really wanting to push my desktop to its limits and windows 7 just isn't doing it.

Here are my Current specs:


Not listed:

Radeon Sapphire 7950HD

So yeah I really want to see what this thing is capable of and have some games in mind for it once I get upgraded to 10. Just thought I would share what I was doing since I obviously haven't written much today. Anyway hope everyone is doing good, would love to hear about the types of gaming computers my readers have. Post your specs in the comments and maybe we can get some kinda master race gaming group going.


Hey have you ever considered another operating system other than windows? Maybe something open source like Linux? I guess gaming wise, windows is the most supported OS for now, right?

Sadly Windows is the most popular os for gaming, slowly games are coming to linux though.

You say "sadly" haha are you a fellow open source person? Yea it is VERY slow though it seems

No, I have not used linux much yet, most of the games I play are windows. Yet I would go to linux if they were supported.

Interesting. Well one day. Like you said its slow. But the switch is definitely happening, thankfully.

I have thought about switching to Linux, I like the way Ubuntu looks a lot. I tried to install Ubuntu 14 a few years ago and something always happened with the installation so I ended up going back to Windows 7. Linux does have its fair share of games though its as you said its not the most supported, I make videos for my YouTube channel and would rather keep up with the most popular games, so upgrading to Windows 10 would be best for me.

Have you ever heard of Linux Mint? Its built on top of Ubuntu and is actually really nice. Personally, I like it a lot better than Ubuntu and I think it is more user friendly as well. If you ever want to switch away from windows and you encounter any problems and need help, just let me know and I'd be glad to help

I've thought of setting it up for dual boot in the last few hours, I hadn't heard of Linux Mint though, I'll check it out. Thanks for letting me know about it.

No problem! Best of luck if you decide to go through with that. Happy to help if I can