The problems in my life.

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

The girl in this photo matters to me a lot, not sure how to deal with it, not going to just walk away. Waking up from my nap as today, I log into Facebook, checking my posts and noticed my ex girlfriend had changed her profile picture. It got me intrigued so I looked and my stomach turned. I thought she was finished with him in December of 2015 because of what he had done to her. It was tagged "feeling in love", I thought to myself, "more like 'feeling stupid for a fix.'.", sounds about right considering how she looked when I seen her. What bothers me more is her mother likes him, her father doesn't like hardly anyone, I was one of the few.

She's actually very cute, and I am glad to see how well she is looking at the moment. Back in December I had seen her in person as she came to stay the night with me after this loser dumped her for another girl. This girl will always hold a place in my heart, we almost had a child together, but she ended up losing the baby. That still bothers me to this day. Anyway comments on the post explained a lot to me about what had occurred over the last year, why she didn't look to be in good health, why she only weighed 90 pounds, why her cheeks looked sucked in. This idiot had been messing her life up.

I responded in kind with this:

The comments on her pic stated he had been in jail recently, so I decided to look into him, names will be blurred to protect privacy. It revealed a lot of things to me that I had suspected all along and had begged and pleaded for her to stop stressing over him and just move on with her life, knowing she would be a better person for it and improve her own well being. I was met with hatred, told she never loved me(even though at one point we were engaged), and ultimately she quit talking to me until she lost her supply in June. Here is what I dug up on his arrest record.

She had actually fought with me 2 years ago over him, claiming how he had such a good job(guard in a jail), and that me working on the computer doesn't pay the bills.. I would love for her to see my bank account.. that is no ones business but mine though. She is like many that don't understand the world of Bitcoin. I'd love to see him get any job now considering his charges.. but she is one of those ignorant type of girls I am starting to understand. Well not really.. I don't understand how someone could literally just want to mess their whole life up over an idiot.

Recently, about a month ago, while this idiot was in jail, she told me she had been raped by 3 guys, she wouldn't give me details or names, she new I was highly pissed and would go after them even if all I had was names. Now I understand why, she was afraid I would find out what was going on other than that. I suspect the 3 guys came looking for him, not knowing he had been arrested, found her alone, and took advantage of the situation. This doesn't change what will happen to them if she provides me with their names. I would go to hell and back for this girl, even take a bullet for her.

I'm just stressed over this, and I don't know how to tell her shes messing up because to her almost every thing I say looks like I am trying to mess her relationship up with the guy and all I want is the best for her, I'd rather she be with someone that doesn't do any kind of drugs or smoke pot. I'm excluded from that list because I do toke up every now and then to influence my creativeness for Chain of Conflict. I do miss being with her, she was a great cook, fun to talk to, a competitive gamer, very business minded, and very interested in continuing her education to become a nurse. She cares nothing about anything but doing whatever this guy tells her to no matter how much he cheats on her, mentally abuses her, or breaks her heart.

I will never understand some women.

Follow me if you want, at the moment I'm to stressed to post my usual closing.


Don't take offense, this girl seems toxic. I have a friend who was brutally raped. It took years for her to even feel comfortable around men. So many years in front of a shrink. How long ago did this happen to her? Seems way to fast to be cozying up to a troglodyte. Take care King, just from your words, you are better off without her. If she really cared for you , she would be with you. Sometimes you just have to let them go. She seems to like to get attention, and stir the flammables. Peace Man!

She was raped around July 30th, was pretty recent actually.

I have alot of history with her including a 4 year relationship and shes had a lot of bad influences and friends in her life. I know I probably am better off, but before we dated, we were neighbors for almost 5 years. I've known her a total of 11. This guy has known her only 2, and after thinking, I'm pretty sure shes gonna be living a life almost like my cousin does whos' husband is in and out of jail all the time for similar reasons. Hardly anyone will hire him, his career choice was law enforcement, he screwed that one over royally. His only choice now will be places that won't check to see if he is a felon and I'm pretty sure getting caught with meth makes you a felon.

He is the type of person with a giant ass ego, he once threatened me/ when I first met him and suspected that he is manipulating her, with "Do you know what I do for a living?". He was a punk ass security guard in a jail at the time. So I responded "Do you know what I used to do for a living?" I went down the dark path myself once upon a time, I also believe resorting to guns makes you a bitch(no offence ladies). So instead of packing one to make sure I didn't get robbed on these outings I took some boxing classes, I might get shot by someone, but I would damn sure make them know they had been mistaken trying to rob me. That was over 6 years ago.

I had left the area her and I lived in to try to resume my life in my home town, I only moved back next door to her when she called asking if I would like to go out with her one night. That started our relationship in 2010, we dated almost 2 full years, and were off and on until 2014. Our baby that was lost happened in 2012, that was the reason for the first breakup, she had been hanging with people she knew I didn't like and her reason was "I fell down some stairs" seriously.

Thanks for responding, just felt like giving you a little more insight. I used to do my own share of shady dealing, but not on this level, only pot. Some of the people I sold to were very shady and unpredictable. I wouldn't even attempt it now, meth and heroine both have become a big problem in that neighborhood I roamed, and I can't stand anyone doing drugs like that. I tolerate her and try to help her because of how I feel.

Sorry this is a mile long, I just woke up from a nap.

Also an update, her mother is very pissed off about the guy being out of jail and her daughter back with him. I suspect a good ass whooping is about to happen.