It's very important to create a schedule that really gives you the thing your heart desires. A schedule that you will feel the urge to follow rather than to rebel. One that isn't a compromise but instead a pleasurable experience.
Your schedule should not only include things that you "should be doing" but should equally include things that you "want to do", otherwise, you'll through it out.
You must also give yourself the time and room for spontaneity, out of the blue epicness. You want your creativity to flourish rather than to be stifled under the debris of mundane routines.
List your priorities according to their importance and the time they will need to be completed. Be aware of your responsibilities and the needs of those around you then build a weekly schedule around them according to your own rhythm.
What works for you, what pleases you and brings balance to your life? These are the things you should focus on. If you do you will find a new sense of well being.
I am finding balance in my life of work and play, my responsibilities to others and myself.
An expert from The Awakening- a daily guide to conscious living.
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One love,
King Anima.
Interesting post. Paints a very vivid picture.
Thanks man. Stay tuned for vol 2 coming later today.
Definitely looking out for it