"The Definition of Achievement is Being Able to Win Under All Circumstances”

in #blog7 years ago

I’m not the kind of person who spends an obnoxious amount of time scrolling through social feeds. The majority of time that I spend on other peoples’ content is focused heavily on a select few who I know produce great content on a regular basis.

These same people are practitioners of what they do - they are world-class at the craft they have chosen. Gary Vaynerchuk is someone I’ve mentioned frequently in my posts because he is the embodiment of the type of person that I look up to and follow.

You won’t catch me scrolling through my Instagram feed 15x a day like the average user, but you will find me checking my feed 1-3x a day which is heavily focused on just a handful of users.

This, I think, is the key to using social media effectively and not wasting time. Too many people are subscribed to, following, or otherwise dumping content into their brain via too many channels and too many people.

As Gary would say, going deep is better than going wide when it comes to social media. It’s better to learn as much as you can about a few particularly extraordinary people than learning a little bit about 1,000 randoms.

With that said, I checked my IG feed (I’m following about 10 people) and I saw Gary’s recent post from yesterday.

This is the essence of what I’m talking about. The reason why following a handful of people can actually be beneficial to your life. This advice that Gary gives is so relevant and so practical to my life that I just had to share it and write about it.

Here’s the post:



If you are good enough - that is, if you have purposefully spent time and energy honing your craft and becoming good at what you dream of doing - then nothing is stopping you from achieving your dreams.

No matter how bold and no matter how audacious, you can achieve any dream you have as long as you put in the work to be world-class. Talent and the work speak for themselves.

The Defeated Mindset

A lot of people carry this defeated mindset. This mindset and inner voice that tells them that circumstances outside of their control are what contribute to whether or not they are successful in life.

This mindset is terrible. It’s the worst mindset that anyone who’s trying to accomplish anything could have.

It’s a mindset that causes you to fail before you even begin.

How do you know if you have a defeated mindset?

If you ever catch yourself complaining about your circumstances and say that X, Y or Z reasons are out of your control and are preventing you from achieving G (your goal), then you have a defeated mindset and you need to reverse your thinking.

Reverse your thinking so that you don’t list reasons why you can’t achieve G, list your own points of failure - the reasons and the shortcomings that are within your control and that are actually the root causes for not achieving your dreams.

“Assess the Situation and Execute Within the Opportunities"

This is my favorite part. It’s so true and so practical and so immediately implementable into your life. No matter what circumstances or situation you find yourself in.

There are opportunities any way you slice the onion. The world is so multi-layered and multi-faceted. There are endless ways to achieve G.

Blaming your failures and shortcomings on external circumstance is the equivalent of putting a blindfold on.

When you blame external circumstance, you’re blocking your own mind form coming up with solutions and spotting the ultimate opportunities for growth in your life. The opportunities that will ultimately land you your dream life.

It pains me to see so many people blaming circumstance for their own shortcomings.

If only they could see that nothing and no one is stopping them from achieving their dreams. If only they could realize that opening their mind to the world of infinite opportunities will allow them to find solutions rather than problems.

Start your search for solutions. Don’t wait until tomorrow. Don’t wait for an external circumstance. Don’t wait for the weather to change.

A warrior does not worry about what is outside of their control.

Question(s) of The Day

What have you been blaming for your shortcomings and will you start blaming yourself and holding yourself accountable for your own actions?

Will you make the decision to be responsible and do what it takes to achieve your dream?

Will you decide that nobody is stopping you but you? Let me know in the comments what dreams you are chasing and what opportunities you can see in front of you. Think outside the box and spend some real time thinking about it!

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lovely click.... interesting msg

I could not agree more. I wish we could have more people like you who have this kind of mindset. No excuse under anycircumstance. Nothing could stop us if we believe in ourself putting more times and efforts to achieve each goal.

Posted using Partiko Android

yes i am agree woth you

My dream is to own a family cottage on a small lake.

Actually my dream is to achieve that while maintaining a level of freedom. Meaning, I am not willing to give up my life while I am achieving that and unplugging from family, physical and social endeavours while I work hard.

Slow and steady wins the race and I try constantly to be aware of how much we fool ourselves and stop doing that every chance I get.

Blame is focusing on the problem. I would rather focus on the solution and get it done.

You are all over the trending page with this one so you should get some great feedback.

Thanks man!

Great post, thank you.

"Slow and steady wins the race"

That´s the point of course it´s sometimes hard to keep your focus on the target. But that´s part of the game.
I try to get my financial freedom in gaining a part of my income through trading. It´s not, that I want to live 100% from trading. That´s too much. But for the first step it´s a good goal to keep my focus on gaining small but constant profits.

I love your idea of the family cottage at a small lake.
We are about to get to point buying a small house in Sardinia.
That´s what I´m draming of, too.

Cheers mate, have a good time and a lot of success!

thank you for your precious upvote!!
really appreciate it!@gentlebot

I follow you :-)

Hey @zekepickleman!! That's a fantastic dream and your approach is even better. Some (myself included) sacrifice precious years of our lives by keeping our heads completely down and pursuing our goals with an unwavering intensity and all-consuming lifestyle - if you can even consider it a lifestyle!

I'm hard-wired to go all-in or go find something else to go all-in on. It's the way I've grown up and it's the way that I learned how to strive for achievement. That was the reality of the social circumstances that shaped me into who I am.

I am trying to get better at balancing out my life and enjoying some of the small things while also pursuing my goals at the same time. My upcoming trip to Europe is a great example of me trying to strike that balance, we'll see if I can tear away from my office without having a breakdown haha

Yah you can do it.

I probably just have had more of my life pass me by (in the sense of time) and I exchanged a good number of years for money and lessons.

I tend to sneak up on things rather than just go all in so there are changes I can make to my commitment and dedication to make the most out of the effort I put into projects.

Fantastic post!

You've made the Steemit Minute for today! Congrats!

Check out the Video Here: https://steemit.com/news/@reseller/6ivf05yr

Thanks my man, just watched the vid! Keep up the good work ;)

@khaleelkazi Failure is a part of life. @printskill

Agreed! Falling on your face and having the courage to get back up and pursue your dreams is the truest path to success!

As Gary would say, going deep is better than going wide when it comes to social media. It’s better to learn as much as you can about a few particularly extraordinary people than learning a little bit about 1,000 randoms.

That is so true! In this digital world many FB friends, many likes, many followers, many "hearts" are the G for so many people that just forget how to interact and have a "Real Life".

(https://www.huffingtonpost.com.mx/entry/smartphones-are-hideous-and-sad-kind-of_n_5234216) Photo: Getty

This is only a wierd example of how many things we are missing and it is so true... we only get lost in the sea of feeds of people that sometimes we doesn't even know.

Now going to the core of your post...
We are the only ones that can change our own situation and the ones to be blamed if things doesn't change. External things bring only opportunities even if they are disguised as a wall maybe it's just life telling you that you have to take other way!!!

The Defeated Mindset- Before someone defeats them they defeat by there inner thoughts and overthinking over the consequences or the result.

i was reading your post on Homo Sapiens and Homo Deus books by Harari
I am inspired too, though Deus didn't attracted me as much as Sapiens did. maybe better translation or maybe I liked the facts in Sapiens, while in Deus we have more predictions than facts... after all it's about future!

Great blog, I follow you. goodluck

La verdad muy agradecido por tu escrito... para revertir las cosas debemos dejar la mentalidad de derrotado..

Complety agree with you......Nonone can stop hiden talent of somebody when it comeout through his proper mindset,Never give up attitude, hardwork and dedication.If you have all of these then the dream will chase us.

Is it true then that failure is one of the steps to success?

Posted using Partiko Android

That is 100% true. Failure is what shows us how to improve and innovate and become the best version of ourselves - the version that is required before we can succeed at whatever our pursuit is!

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fantastic capture, great messages.
well done @khleelkazi

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Great post @khaleelkazi, thanks for sharing

I am currently working intro-spectively to better a few hang ups I've been having for years. It is so interesting to realise and see the fault on your side, and acknowledging the lack of accountability and care is a huge eye-opener.

I can truly have a new hope to see things starting to go better in these regards, and I feel like a child running into a wide open space filled with blossoms and rivers and sounds and colours - the perfect combination of resources that this life always presents to make the most wonderful work of self-fulfillment.

Good luck on your own endeavors!

The self-talk ie the stories that we tell ourselves about ourselves can have great impact on our mindset

Amen brother

That's a fantastic picture!!!

What an #educative, #informative #inspiring and #encouraging post. I have learnt so many things on this post.

@khaleelkazi a fan of yours, i would say more of the same please. ❤❤

One of the great post I see today well done @khaleelkazi

I am registered in several social networks but I take advantage of its potential to call and how to disseminate the important information that I want to reach at a certain time. I agree with you, the post is very good. I have always focused on achieving success.

awesome post

To be honest, I´m bored of 99% the people post on social media. And it´s not about being jealous or something like that.
It´s just nonsense that eats up your time.

You need to stay with people who are at least that successful like you are. Better to sourround yourself with positive people rather than defendig yourself and your ideas and dreams.

This is very motivating, thank you for sharing. I agree that too many social media inputs take way too much time. Our dream, which is getting so much closer, is to be able to retire early, not so that we don't have to put out effort, but so that we can travel wherever we would like for however long we would like.

Hi @khaleelkazi very good post, great pictures and messages.

Good job

This is really a great post, I enjoy your message as well as your crisp, clear writing style. It's all too easy to fall into the 'defeated' mindset as you said. I have long suffered from back pain that leaves me tired, frustrated, and demotivated, and for a long time I used it as an excuse to not live up to my potential. By reframing it as another obstacle along the way to success, and one I had to prioritize getting over I stopped being a victim of it, and regained control over my life. After years of struggling, doing my best to introduce habits that would help get rid of my back problems once and for all and learning to deal with it, I have finally gotten to a place where I'm almost totally rid of it. I know that because of this mindset and my new habits it will not be able to defeat me again, and I am prepared for future obstacles because of it. Now instead of looking at it like an oppressor, I look at it like a blessing, a teacher that has made me better with tough love. My dream is to continue to live well, to be healthy and useful to my fellow people, and to create a good life for myself and my family.

We have no enemy but ourselves! It is us and only us that renders us in place. I am a huge fan of Gary Vee by the way!! Awesome article I really enjoyed it. I think what you're doing is amazing.

Ciertamente no hay nada que nos impida alcanzar nuestros sueños, nuestros pensamientos son mágneticos, por eso siempre debemos andar por esta vida con una actitud positiva frente a cualquier circunstancia.

Amazing place....looks like dream

mindset plays important role between defeat and victory , never give fight till the last minutes and wait for the result

Great Post! Can't agree more that we should be using social media better than we are currently. We need to value our time more!

The way you tried to explain us that “never give up” & always be +Ve minded whatever challenges we face is fabulous.
In practical life we see percentage of down side is more than up sides. But the person who doesn’t worry about down sides and –ve comments can reach the destination and achieve his goals.
The real sweetness & happiness of achieving something we can feel when we have struggled a lot and failed many a time to achieving that goal.
You must have seen some many up’s and down’s in your life and finally you must have reached you goal.
Thanks for sharing such an outstanding article with us.
There’s some much to learn from your article.
Please do post such wonderful article. Will be eagerly waiting for more.

If we all had that mentality the world would be a better place. Don't blame others. If you fail just try again and try harder.

Great post, love me some Gary vee content as well!

Positive thinking would have us believe that all we need is unshakeable self-belief to achieve our dreams. We can succeed at almost anything and fulfill all our desires if we truly believe that we can. Of course, to a certain extent this may be true, but it’s mainly an unrealistic way to live. very informative post @khaleelkazi Thank You

Its a great post overall...
Beautiful picture with beautiful nature...
Love your personality..
Its pleasure to following you..
Cant wait to see your next post.

Nice post share my friend

Posted using Partiko Android

This pic is really awesome. It make me Imagine that I am the one on that place.![](

Sorry but nobody can always win and in real life others do stop you or are regulaty trying. But you have to keep on fighting and beliving in yourselve, which is hard work! But if you suceed from time to time, and this is luckily so, then be happy and take the energy or motivation of it for your future goals.

Every obstacle and challenge we face are an integral part of our journey to success. If achieving our goals were easy, then we wouldn't feel the same joy from overcoming the struggles and hurdles we surmounted to get there. It is only by experiencing darkness do we learn to appreciate the light.

Wonderful wowwwwwwwww!

Amazing view dude

My dream is to stop blaming everyone else for the things I should have done. I procrastinate alot and tend to do everything at the last minute. I may get the job done but it wouldn't be perfect and standard. I dream of becoming a better, disciplined manager. It would help my work life alot.

I am working on it, with over 500 posts on steemit.My dream is for financial security while executing my blogging.. https://thechenkinreport.com

my dream is to have a successful blog, but to achieve this I try to read a lot, which is the basis for good writing.

Awsome upvote for you..

Having said that, I know people who constantly play everything is a competition. They are, the most pathetic, shallow and sad individuals who are jealous and envious of anything and everything. They have no goal or direction other that what they see some other person do. Winning at any cost, even if that means having no life of your own, while you spend all your energy fluffing your feathers at other people who do not need to try, has to be such a waste of a life..

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