Reality is the bear was never even there

in #blog8 years ago


So strange and weird things happen to you. You are shaken all over on different sides. You don’t know what to do. Your mind is lying to you. You body is lying to you. There is one way out. Believe that you are coming out. This is a unusual feeling for me. Normally I’m stable as a boulder on Colorado mountain. But… I guess it’s the humor of God. You know prove that you are just a vapor. A little things scare you. I know many of you “even the though once” woke up in the middle of night shaking.

You heard something. Noise! Well it turned out is the vacuum bot that you bought last year. It started to go around the house in high speed and knock things out. It’s not that you are easily scared. It’s just part of the human nature. Trembling at the idea of the unknown. So how do you go back to normal. Or even better move past that point and excel in positive direction. The notion of you being weak is kind of annoying. It’s just makes you feel helpless. It takes all your hope away. Your thoughts were organized and straight and now are all over.

Your confidence is becoming mellow. You clinch at doing anything. Basically this state becomes as state of death. Don’t misunderstand me. You are alive. Your heart is pumping. Your lungs are moving. But inside you are dead. From this point it will take basically miracle to recover. The universe AKA GOD will need to personally come and start you up. See God knows how to turn your engine back on. If your spirit is without hope and desolate you will need a jump start. A heavenly spark to get your inside person going. So don’t pull away. Draw closer to the divine power. It will also require a focus.

Desire to get better. Purposefully pushing in the direction of change. It will not feel natural. You will want to remain in your previous state. See your body and mind will want to linger and roll in the mud of despair. It feels good to feel sorry for yourself and it’s hard work to come out. So your body will not want to do it. This is really unknown territory for me. I just had a taste of it. But that taste was enough for me to realize that coming out of this condition is hard. It’s funny your head kind of wants to keep the negativity and roll with the tape of pity. It’s like the player is stuck and you can’t stop it.

This has happened to me with a old boom box. I press the pause button and it won’t go. At one point you have to smack that old thing for the keys to get lose. Well your brain is old. I don’t care how old you are. Your brain is prehistoric. It holds dearly to negativity as a resource and a sense of protecting you from the bad thing that happened to you. In other words “you must remember this thing forever.” If it happens to you again there is not going to be next time.

So let’s say last time you got attacked by a bear around that three. Your brain wants to make sure you will not go by that tree again. So the problems is we no longer face a bear anywhere. It’s usually stress about a none life threatening situation. So we can’t really react the same as there is a bear around the corner. Reality is the bear was never even there. The stress is not real and so should be the response. Let it loose folks. Life goes on.