A little Obedient Drone Stretches His Little Hand And Off You Go

in #blog8 years ago


Everything within a hands reach. Yeah that’s more like it. Says who? Do you think that if everything you want I mean material things become available within hand reach you will be happier? I don’t know. I know one thing you will be a lot heavier. So where it comes the desire to have all things instant and within hand grab? Some can say you are lazy, some say you are practical, some say you are crazy. Does it really matter? What’s more important are the results.

The Results Are Not Clear

The results are you are overweight most likely I don’t mean exactly you, but I’m sure you know at least a number of overweight people. You can count them on your hand. Or don’t have a room to count on your hand. So I see companies “think Amazon” are now offering to bring groceries to your house. Or just bring it outside for you on the curb. You know, no need to get out of the car. Just reach with your hand.

Drone Drone Drone Big Monster Was Born

A little obedient drone stretches it’s beautiful hand and here you go. Off you go with your groceries. To get home, to sit on the couch and eat what was given to you inside these “digital” bags. Don’t you think that will make you less and less of a real person? Again I don’t know. These are just my thoughts. Now I know things like going to the grocery store have become like a national institution. I know in my family it’s even considered kind of a outing. What would happen if people stop doing even the little movement required of getting up. Going in the car.

What Makes Up A Person

Driving to the store, parking. Getting out of the car and the best part doing the only walk for some in the store itself. I think this is out for debate. You can assume that people will save time “wasted” at grocery shopping and will spend more time at the gym. Side note “spending more time at the gym makes you more fit as much as spending more time in McDonald make you a hamburger.” I agree the second variation will eventually make you look more like a hamburger. But now that we got that out of the way. Let’s cover one more thing.

Conversations Do Count

Usually conversations popped in the store are accounting for like 50% percent of the total conversations you will have. I don’t care if it’s you beaching about some items or just having a friendly casual chat. Now imagine that taken away too. You know groceries dropped “parachuted” by a buzzing drone at your balcony. Now we take away conversation (speaking) and movement away from a person.

Choices Can Still Be Made

How much of a person is left after this point? I know this rant sounds like a lot of rhetorical questions with no answers. But I think it’s worth giving it a thought. And I know you still have a choice to do as you wish. I say “still” because that choice may go away at some point. So think good and hard. Would you like choices being take away from you? Even if it just means you walking or driving to the same ol grocery store?