The story of a haunted house in the world

in #blog7 years ago

Every house has a penunggunya, agree? This watchman can be a previous owner who is still not 'willing' to leave his house, and could be the house is the location of the occurrence of murder.

Well, IDN Times summarizes seven houses from some haunted houses discovered by Ranker!

  • Whaley House

This house was in San Diego, California, in 1856. The location is also where a master thief named Yankee Jim (James Robinson) was executed by hanging, four years earlier. Yankee, before being hung up in public says that the results of his thefts were used to contribute to the needy.


After the house was completed, the Whaley family who occupied the house began to hear and feel strange things. Starting from footsteps that are often heard throughout the house. No need to wait a long time, the Whaley family left the house.

The story of the Yankee ghost that haunted the house spread quickly. Then, in 1950, the local government renovated the empty house. However, strange events occurred to the workers, such as doors and windows that open-cover themselves. Surprisingly, it was not Yankee's ghost being seen, but the Whaley family couple who 'returned' to their home.

  • Ballygally Castle

In 1625, the castle was built by the King of Scotland, James Shaw in Northern Ireland. This castle became the location of the king's residence with his family lived during the 19th century. During his stay, the wife of James Shaw, Isobel Shaw gave birth to a baby boy who eventually became the next king.


However, James instead imprisoned his own wife to be separated from his son. In one side of the prison at the top of the castle, Isobel tries to run away and find his son. However, while trying to get out of prison, Isobel fell from a height and died.

Until now the castle is designated as a hotel and given the name Hastings Hotel Group. The visitors of the hotel who stayed had even told me that they saw the figure of Isobel walking along the castle. Uniquely, Isobel will knock every hotel room and inquire about his son's whereabouts.

  • Bell Farm

A farmer named John Bell and his family owned a large paddy field and land called Bell Farm in 1800 in Adams, Tennessee. However, 17 years living in the location, the Bell family began to experience a mystical thing. In those days, people believed with the witches who condemned his land.


Starting from a strange animal that looks like half a dog and a rabbit. Later, Bell's children also heard a strange sound like the sounds of wild animals that were circling the house and hammering under their beds. There was also the voice of a woman who was singing and heard the whole family.

Three years later, Bell contracted the disease due to stress and excessive terror. At his funeral, the Bell family heard the laugh of a woman suspected of being a witch who cursed her.

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  • Hotel Crescent

Room 218 becomes a room that is believed to have the greatest spiritual power. Until now, the visitors of the hotel, especially in the room often hear strange sounds.


Before becoming a hotel, The Crescent was owned by a licensed doctor named Norman Baker. Known, Baker offers cancer treatment to the poor in the mountain area. However, instead of being treated, Baker even tortured his patients.

In 1940, on suspicion of suspicious local investigations and reports, the local police arrested and found the victims who had been tortured. One of the spirits of the patient is believed to still haunt the hotel in the form of a cat.

  • Biltmore Estate

A luxury housing in Asheville, North Carolina has 250 rooms. Each year there are one million people visiting the site. The building was made by George Washington Vanderbilt II in 1889 to 1895. The creepy story began after George Vanderbilt II died in 1914.


Since then, the wife, Edith still often hear the voice of her husband in the house. Now, this neighborhood has become a tourist location. The tourists who are present intentionally or unintentionally see sightings or feel strange things. Starting from the sound of children running, until a Vanderbilt II-like person was sitting or standing in one of the rooms on the second floor.

Later, the guards heard laughter and crowds near the pool even though the location had been closed. Until now spiritual apparitions are still often seen by visitors and guards.

  • Mysterious House of Winchester

Horror stories come from the first homeowner in Winchester. Often referred to as Winchester Mistery House, the building created in 1866 was once constantly changing design. Start from the outside view until the contents. This is done because the owner of the house Sarah Winchester followed by a curious spirits.


After consultation with local 'shaman', Sarah had to change her house form so that the spirits were confused with her existence. No wonder every week Sarah replaced, at least the front of the house. Sarah herself was so frightened by it that she did not dare go out and she died in that house, without her body known for several days.

Today, visitors to the house claim to see Sarah's ghost in some parts of the house. There is also a claim to hear the cry of a woman. In addition, the house is filled with glass is also often reflect strange things to the visitors.