We Are Taking A Chill Pill Following The Massive Demonetization!

in #blog8 years ago


As Bitcoin passes the* $4000 USD* mark and there's a lot of optimism on that front, I also see my monthly YouTube wage dropping from $2500 CAD a month to around $100 and wondering what on Earth I should do.

I do not spend Bitcoin, I'm HODLing it for a few years. I put 50% of my earnings here into STEEM and the other half from SBD to Bitcoin. So I'm starting to understand what it's like to make big profits but be unable to spend a cent of it.

For those wondering, the Anti-Defamation League decided the other day to demonetize everything they viewed as hate speech and terrorism which according to them includes talking about freedom, talking about pensions, bail-ins, markets, the USD and bank runs. Good to know! AntiFa is still monetized by the way... Ironic isn't it?

Despite YouTube's blanket demonetization of everything right of Mao, my frustration won't be long lasting. I'm currently out of the city, in the country by Lake Winnipeg, one of the biggest lakes in the world. I'm getting fresh air and enjoying conversations with some good people.


When I get back, I'll be rejuvenated and ready to work twice as hard. The worst mistake the communist Anti-Defamation League can make is to piss me off. Every time they try to bring me down, I come back a lot harder and it's to their detriment, for the use of information and the effort to bring the truth to people's ears and eyes always prevails in the end. The establishment can flip out and try to censor me further as they are to most independent medias but they forget one very crucial thing. We don't do it for the money. We always find a way to come back twice as hard and twice as strong. We always find a way to survive. We always find a way to prevail, with truth and liberty for all.

Thanks for reading everyone! Stay tuned! We're just getting started! ;)

If you want to support my work, you can donate to my Bitcoin here:


Or PayPal:



Its going to take great creators such as yourself to move to platforms such as dTube.

FYI - if you do plan on posting to dTube you will have my full support in doing so. I know right now videos are not able to be directly embedded but thumbnails work just fine for the time being.

Thank you! I posted on DTube the other day but there was some bug. No one could view my video after publishing. I know it's only the beginning for the platform, so I'm sure it'll improve. And as the creator said, it could all come crashing down at any time which is why it's great to support it and hold those walls up!
I appreciate all you do @thejohalfiles

So better than Viewly? I just saw a comparision between the two Thanks for the upvote a while ago btw, that made all the effort the more worthwhile!

Thanks for sharing

I do not spend Bitcoin, I'm HODLing it for a few years. I put 50% of my earnings here into STEEM and the other half from SBD to Bitcoin.

I like that strategy!

I read that a lot of YouTubers lost their income, I'm proposing something better but it's quite an undertaking. At least we have a few alternatives for storing our videos with @bitchute, @furion / Viewly and @dtube but not yet a monetization scheme! I'll get on #beyondbitcoin talks ASAP.

I'm always looking for something new! I found Steemit that way back in early August 2016! But this demonetization hurts a lot, mostly because like I said, I refuse to spend my Bitcoin, so the liquid fiat I can use to buy food and other necessities are no longer coming in. It's too bad. But there's a solution for everything.

Yes there is like becoming a BlockPay ambassador for instance.

I also found a quite astonishing sollution to the content tracking: DECENT It's based on Graphene so it should be in similar performance ranges as Steem but I'm not sure about their monetization strategy. I'm not sure but it looks like they don't have a rewardspool.

I live in Charlottesville, and there seems to be some confusion about those who are resisting fascism and national socialism. They are not all communists. You did not imply that above, but I wanted to point the fact out anyway.

In Charlottesville's recent protest for example, it was not a bunch of communists on the opposite side from the racist KKK and other Nazis. There were genuine liberty lovers there to resist too. "AntiFa" includes them, yes?

I'm anti-fascist and anti-communist. I'm against all control systems no matter what reasons they use to justify their control.

Yes, I can say Nazis because they really are, at least trying to appear, as Nazis. They were even marching down the street with torches chanting "Blood and soil."

Please, let us be careful to not be blinded by false left and right choices. The true spectrum is individual liberty to total tyrannical government, and we should not replace one tyranny with another (corporatism/fascism with socialism/communism).

Liberty should be defended from both. Many people in Charlottesville were doing that too. They were not there to replace one control system with another either.

Yes! it seems that people can never quite hold focus on to the idea of individual liberty! It always devolves into some for of 'group rights' that eventually bulldoze the individual.

AntiFa and Black Lives Matter are both racist organizations so in truth "peace" loving is a mischaracterization. The tearing down of historical monuments is a socialist/marxists act. You can not rewrite history. The peace lovers are not peace lovers but radicals hell bent on distorting facts and promoting their on agenda. I do not endorse either party involved in yesterday's rioting. I do know the difference between right, wrong, and racist and it's apparent that BLM and AntiFa are just as guilty, if not worse, than the group which was there to lawfully protest. Also, let's not forget the so-called "law enforcement" that neglected its duty to protect and serve. If anything law enforcement added fuel to the fire by allowing those schedule to lawfully protest the removal of the Lee monument to be hemmed in by race agitating, feces and urine throwing AntiFa and BLM members.
Let's keep the narrative straight.

That's funny because the local police here were holding Black Lives Matter signs in a past protest. Charlottesville made the news yesterday, but many people don't realize that these protests have been going on over and over for months now.

I guess our local police are racist too then? You are throwing all AntiFa and BLM people into a single category, and you're wrong. There are tons of AntiFa and BLM people who are NOT as you characterize them. I live in this city and know that to be a fact. Nice try though.

The protest yesterday has tons of videos and images from it. Who arrived in combat gear with shields, etc.? It was the alt-right. The people that got ran into and over by the fascist alt right nazi? They had no weapons and were walking peacefully. Look at the video again if you need to.

The so-called law enforcement is not a straight forward situation either. There were many agencies there. Virginia State Police where there for example, and they quite often do NOT see eye to eye with our local city and county police. I was a reserve deputy for a brief moment and know that to be a fact too.

Yes, let's keep the "narrative" straight. Let's also get our facts straight.

Your dedication will reward you in the end! Idealism is a good thing to persue! Keep on steeming

im definitely share it .but soon becoz i join bitcoin maybe tomorrow.:)
stay happy brother:)

Thanks for the information!

Nice post thanks for the info👍

congratulations - steem's from a year.

Seeing "the good fight" in young men (and women) like you helps keep an old fart like me in there, too.

Thanks for the great post! It comes at very relevant time. I just found out that one of my favorite content creators on youtube, Luimarco, has been censored severely. I recommended that he migrate to Steemit, in the hopes that censorship is NOT alive and well here. BTW can you provide more about this decision by the anti-defamation league? Is there a new story on it?

Introducing DTube". I'm a videographer too. I tested DTube yesterday and I can vouch for it's fluidity with Steemit.FYI, because of your successes (and recent frustrations) with YouTube, you sound like a prime candidate for the #DTube video platform specifically built for Steemians. Are you familiar? They just issued an official introduction two days ago: "

Keep at it, bro. Hopefully guys like you can help build alternatives to censored platforms in the future.

Hi joshigurdson,
i like ur post so i resteem this

Enjoy your time off Josh! P.S. I just started mining gridcoin. I'm hoping to convert to Steem at some point. We'll see how it goes.

can someone explain how the Anti-Defamation league came about?

"Describing itself as "the nation's premier civil rights/human relations agency," the ADL states that it "fights anti-Semitism and all forms of bigotry, defends democratic ideals and protects civil rights for all", doing so through "information, education, legislation, and advocacy."

Founded in October 1913 by the Independent Order of B'nai B'rith, a Jewish service organization in the United States, its original mission statement was "to stop, by appeals to reason and conscience and, if necessary, by appeals to law, the defamation of the Jewish people. Its ultimate purpose is to secure justice and fair treatment to all citizens alike and to put an end forever to unjust and unfair discrimination against and ridicule of any sect or body of citizens.

The Anti-Defamation League has drawn criticism and controversy over its priorities. Noam Chomsky accuses them of "having lost entirely its focus on civil rights issues in order to become solely an advocate for Israeli policy". The ADL has been accused by some of conflating criticism of Israel with anti-Semitism. Journalist Mark Arax has criticized the organization's failure to recognize the Armenian Genocide"

source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-Defamation_League

It's good to see your passion for pushing truth...no matter how hard the hypocrites push back. It's not always about the money. It's about being true to your core values.

On a personal note I just want to say you've restored some of the pride I've lost in being Canadian over the years...thank you for that.

Keep on Steem'n on!


I may be a bit crazy but..
I think we can see BTC worth $10000 by the end of this year.

Also a @Clif High fan?

you maybe right....I was also think that BTC hit $10K mark soon.