The Old World is Collapsing

in #blog7 years ago

Lately there has been a lot of activity within Bitcoin and Ethereum. I watched Bitcoin go from $550 all the way to $2900 and Ethereum go from $12 to $400 per coin. It's been an insane year for the blockchain. Even Steemit had tons of growth over the last month. Over the last couple of days a big crash came to the crypto giants BTC and ETH. Massive sell offs caused them to crash back down. I don't know how many of you are involved in cryptocurrency but it gives me anxiety to see all that money vanish so quickly. But, I know in the long run the blockchain will pay off. It has already proven to show very large returns.


The Past

Yesterday The Federal Reserve raised interest rates from 1% to 1.25%. Over the last 8 years The Federal Reserve has been printing money after the financial mortgage crisis of 2008. The Fed bailed out all the banks that the government forced to give risky loans. Typically a bank wouldn't do this, but since the government promised to insure all the bad loans the banks were protected. In a free market the banks would have went completely bankrupt and the economy would have moved forward. Instead the government stepped in and used the excuse that the banks and corporations were too big to fail. This is The Federal Reserve's game. They've printed too much money.

The Great White Hype

The Fed wants you to believe now with the hype that Donald Trump is in office the economy is suddenly getting better. Since it's getting better they decided to raise interest rates. This economy is not in as good as shape they are telling us. The only reason they are raising rates is because they need to reload their gun. If they don't raise rates, they won't have any money to print when they need it. The only problem, they don't have another bubble to bail out. The next bubble they are going to bailout is the stock market. They'll make sure the stock market doesn't collapse, but at the expense of the dollar. When they start printing again it could cause the US to go into hyperinflation.


There are no coincidences

I find it interesting that cryptocurrencies start collapsing right as The Fed raises rates. Maybe there was some confidence restored thinking that we're finally cleaning up our act. This is all a show. If it ever gets to a point where the US government can't pay the interest on their loans, it will default. This is when the bubble will be pricked and The Fed will be forced to start printing.

It has been written

Some people believe The Simpsons prophesied that Donald Trump would be president and collapse the economy. This may be true, but it won't necessarily be his fault, it will be the inflated money supply over the last 100 years. I believe the elite use mass psychology over us to push the world in the direction it wants. They use distractions to keep us off track of what is really happening. The news doesn't even talk about anything relevant anymore. They just discuss gossip, they've turned into talk shows. The real problems of this country are being ignored.


The Future

I believe over the next few weeks we'll see Bitcoin and Ethereum go above and beyond their previous highs. It has been documented that after The Fed raises interest rates, the price of commodities like gold and silver start rising. Since there has been an influx of activity on the blockchain, they too will rise and keep growing. This isn't investment advice, but if you are planning on investing only use the money you can afford to lose. The blockchain is still new to the average person and we really have no clue where it's headed. However, recent events tell me that the blockchain is the future of this reality.

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Sincerely Yours,



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Nice observation and prediction Too. I hope the growth of bitcoin and Ethereum growth stay remaining. Nice Economy analysis.

I wonder how long we have to go before the dollar collapses. If it does collapse will everyone pile into crypto or just move to another fiat currency

I don't know. But, I don't believe we're going with another fiat. We're going 100% digital.

I just wish the masses would pick on it. saying that if the masses picked up on it now, all hell would break lose

When the collapse comes is when they will move towards crypto... but they'll be late to the game.