The Life of a Conspiracy Theorist

in #blog7 years ago

Almost 10 years ago I spend some time with an old friend from my hometown in New York. He explained to me how 9/11 was an inside job and pretty much sold me on the idea with the abundance of information he had. In the back of my head, I knew something was wrong with the official story and my friend confirmed it for me. That night when I get home I was interested in learning more about it. I spent hours on Youtube researching 9/11 which led me to learn about The Federal Reserve, Ron Paul, and Aaron Russo. For some reason, I've always been interested in the truth but was never looking in the right places. I spent many years looking for new conspiracies to research. Most people will tell you, Youtube isn't research or it's not valid because it's on the internet. I tend to disagree with that argument. The majority of people get their information from one source. On Youtube or the internet in general, you have access to billions of sources. A lot of the conspiracy theories aren't theories, there is documented information proving them true. It's easy for the corrupt to dissolve valid information since they have control over all mainstream media sources.


I can't hear you

If you do all your homework, you can spend hours, days, weeks talking to people and giving information, but people don't want to hear it. All they want to do is debunk it in their head for a few reasons, they don't want to be misinformed, they don't care, and without doing any research will automatically think it's unrealistic. The truth is, the information is out there if you're interested in learning it. Everyone should want to know the truth no matter how much it hurts and unbearable it is to hear. How many times have you had a friend who was in a relationship where someone cheated but the other person didn't want to believe it. It's the same thing with society, some people are out spending their days trying to wake up people to the corruption. No one believes it. Learning the truth comes with isolation from people. Once you learn it, you want to tell everyone, but you won't get the response you are expecting. People are programmed to reject the truth immediately without even looking into it themselves. You may even lose friends over it.

Eyes Wide Shut

Life becomes different when you're eyes open, you don't appreciate things as much as you used to. You may even change your eating happens after learning about all the chemicals, antibiotics, hormones, and poison you eat. I can't go to a supermarket and look at anything the same way. Just go down the cereal isle, cookie isle, or freezer isle, all the bright colored boxes grabbing your attention. When I look at all the colored boxes now, my mind is trained to automatically think it's fake food. The only colors that I appreciate are fruit and vegetables. Make sure you buy organic though and even then, you're not getting the best it can be. We've lost so many nutrients from our soil. Our nutrition has gone down drastically over the last 100 years.


Hard-Knock Life

This is a hard life we have to live. I'm just glad I found a bunch of like-minded friends on Facebook that I'm able to vent to. My personal friends don't want to hear about it. I can speak for days about conspiracies if you let me. I'll tell you everything even when you don't want to hear it. I enjoy spending more time online now because I found people who love talking about the corruption as much as I do. We are able to learn from each other, hear others opinions on topics we've researched, and we move forward from there.


I tried waking up my friends too, but I didn't do it the right way, I offended them. It can just get frustrating when no one wants to believe what you're saying. Now I spend my time writing Facebook posts in a way that allows people to think. Additionally, I'm writing Steemit articles, researching cryptocurrencies, and being more productive. At this point, I've decided to do what I can to protect myself and try to wake up people a little bit if I can.

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Sincerely Yours,




I know the shoes you lay your feet in my friend, boy do I lol. I am always reading up on the alt information game dailing, youtubing it, looking for those rare underground pieces of literature to feed my thirst for the real truths in this world and I firmly believe not all conspiracy theories are theories..some lay so thick in the actual fact region its mind blowing once you put the pieces together. Amazing post, I am definitely following, curious to see what you write next now!! Keep it up...great work

Thank you appreciate it. It's sad, most of this stuff is right in front of our faces. A lot of the times, the elite document what they're doing.

Its really how they work in the elite world. They give you asinine reasons for the way things work, so much its actual absurd the population believes it but yet they all eat it up because it seems the elites have figured out a long time ago its human nature to believe the bad guy is always further away than right in our own living rooms. Smoke and Mirror game...but luckily I am seeing more and more people waking up, you are, I am definitely getting there and it will be contagious the more we speak openly about it. I actually had plans to write similar articles, I am just right now getting the hang of Steemit and break old bad habits because I haven't dove into writing in a very very long time. But I want to not make Steemit just about Crypto...I love the hopes Crypto can do to make the world better but I also thing we have in our hands a very unique platform to help the world wise up to the nature of things going on around us in plain site. I commend you for first taking those steps at that, I may be your back up on these matters from time to time because we are definitely like minds

It's not fun when your friends think your some kind of nut when you bring this stuff up and troll you.

Outstanding post. Attempting to reveal the untruths in the official stories to friends and family members is a frustrating experience. So far anyway. I just keep trying.

Lol me too. Any chance I get I try.. The longer it's been since I've seen you, the more likely it is you're going to hear about a conspiracy.

Here's the thing about 9/11. I don't discount anyone's theories because I was in the building that day. (yes you read the correctly and thankfully safely got out unharmed) The only moment that made no sense to me was after the plane hit the building in the floors above me, smoke shot up from below us in the stairwell.

Thats my 2 cents and will leave it at that.