in #blog7 years ago

It has become mind boggling to me the direction that this country went in. When I was young and in school learning United States history they would teach about why the founding fathers revolted against the British Empire. We learned about Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin, George Washington, The Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and The Constitution. Most people today will say that The Constitution is outdated and irrelevant in 2017 because technology is so much more advanced. This reasoning does not make any sense. If you have read what the founding fathers wrote, you'd know they were leaving you advice to follow. Have you ever heard the expression in the Bible, "There is nothing new under the sun"? That statement still holds true today. Yes, technology is more advanced, but the same principles of the past apply today.


Take Care of Us

I'd like for someone to name one empire throughout history that has helped its people. Governments have always been detrimental to the citizens they are supposed to protect. I find that people who think The Constitution is not relevant anymore, have never even read it or understood it's purpose. We have to look back and think about why the founders went to war with The British. The Declaration of Independence was a list of reasons why colonies wanted to separate from the Monarchy. Unfair taxes were a reason but came up as number 17 on the list. After the revolutionary war was fought with help from the French, The United States became a symbol of freedom across the world. The first government system adopted was the Articles of Confederation. What most people don't realize is our government was infiltrated by the Illuminati since the beginning. These illuminated ones did whatever it would take to throw away the original articles, they didn't like that it gave the free states too much freedom. They wanted a more centralized government. This led to the creation of The US Constitution. Some of the founders thought that the Constitution gave the Federal Government too much power. To combat abuse of power, James Madison wrote The Bill of Rights to protect the citizens from the government.

National Archives

Thomas Jefferson wrote many letters, you can find most of them on . One letter, in particular, Jefferson was writing to George Washington who was retiring from government. Jefferson was asking Washington to stay in government and help fight off the corruption. He described how the politicians were being paid off by inflated money and only wanted to use The Constitution as a stepping stone to recreate The British Monarchy. Thomas Jefferson was absolutely correct, all you have to do is compare the original Constitution and Bill of Rights, to what we see today. We have an extremely bloated government overstepping their power on a daily basis.


Rigged System

The election process was shifted to only elect who the elite choose. The people vote, but the elite doesn't care which candidate wins, they are all owned by the same corporations. They can't take over the government all at once, but over a 100 year period, they can slowly move the people towards a dictatorship. Each president signs executive orders slowly removing the people's rights. Bills like The Patriot Act, NDAA, gun reform, and censorship have all attacked our Bill of Rights and removed them without the people even batting an eye. We no longer live under the free government our founders envisioned and bled for. The government took over the education system and used to push their version of history and political beliefs into the minds of the majority of Americans. They purposely used their system to break apart families and remove values from the family. The reason we've gone so far from our original belief system is that the elite bankers have taken control of the media, government, banking, education, healthcare, and agriculture to create a fake reality.


Many of the founding fathers warned us of this fact. Their message is far from outdated, their message is the message of freedom which everyone should want to hear. Look how much of a mess our lives are today. No one gets along with each other anymore, education is garbage, everyone has health insurance but can't see a doctor, our food is plastic, we live in debt, and have become misguided. Everything about what we live under is an illusion, a fake reality. The reason we are in this mess is not that we followed the founder's instructions, it is because we DIDN'T follow them.

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Sincerely Yours,



I can add nothing but a thank you. Thank you.

YUP thats true broo

I Vote Only 3rd Party Since I Also Came To The Realization That The Republicans & Democrats Are Merely 2 Sides Of The Same Rigged Coin! Cheers @johnnyyash.

I think an appropriate metaphor is 'the left and the right barrel of the shotgun pointed at the face of We the People.' I haven't found a third party I agree with either, but at least they may be sincere about individual liberty, where the left and right are only sincere about destroying us.