Do You Have What It Takes To Be A True Expert?

in #blog7 years ago

I started my technology career in a startup environment. I watched a company grow from 6 to 30 employees within one year and shortly after was acquired. Since tech startups are such a fast paced environment, it's really easily to start in a low-level position and work your way up quickly. I found that people work harder in newer companies, there is a lot of excitement and energy. It's really amazing to watch something start so small and gradually grow month after month. Most of the time these technology startup companies allow you wear many different hats. I found myself working three different positions. The experience gained from it is invaluable. If you're lucky, you'll be a part of a rocketship company or reach a goal of getting bought out.


The Valley

In San Francisco, there are tons of startup companies that pop up every day. The statistic is presented is 80% fail miserably. A lot of investors, whether angel or venture capital, will place multiple bets in the hopes one of them blows up. A $200,000 investment into a small company can see returns multiple times over. For example, Google acquired the company Nest for a billion dollars. If you had invested in the beginning, you would have made millions of dollars. Unfortunately, the system has been rigged against the average person to take part in investing. The government considers low income investing too much of a risk for the poor. However, the wealthy become successful by taking risks. I always enjoy thinking back to the quote from the movie Rounders.

"You can't lose what you don't put the in middle, but you can't win much either."

Place bets

I believe cryptocurrencies is the where people should be placing their bets. Just look at the news, countries are adapting cryptos as currency, Bitcoin is reaching all time highs, Altcoins are reaching all time highs. It's a time when cryptocurrency is becoming adopted on a massive scale. Steemit has brought in people who have never even heard of a Bitcoin. Big companies are moving in this direction. Get in now while your Dollars or whatever fiat you have still has value. Of course, with any investment comes RISK. So only put in what you can afford to lose. Cryptocurrencies have proven a success thus far, however, many people believe it's only hype. It may be the case, there have been many bubbles in the past, however, if you follow the news and the technology I think you can see past the propaganda.


Do what you can

I typically buy $20-$50 dollars at a time and gradually accumulate more. Over the last year, I've seen my purchases increase in devalued fiat currencies. There is a massive fiat bubble about to burst around the world. The media is trying to drag it out the collapse longer by telling people things are getting better. Things can't get better with the United States having 60 trillion dollars of obligations to pay. There is absolutely no way the American people will be able to pay that, the only other option is changing people's minds on what the role of government should be. Since I don't believe people will wake up, the only thing to do is protect yourself and get out of the dollar.


If you don't trust the security or reliability of cryptocurrencies, buy farmland, gold, silver, etc. Anything with value will be useful during the apocalypse. Although, I'm not as worried as others about cryptocurrencies being stolen. To this day, Bitcoin hasn't been hacked and the blockchain can't be manipulated. If not everyone on the blockchain comes to a consensus on a transaction it becomes invalid and is not accepted. Everyone has to agree it is a legitimate transaction and everything is kept in a ledger held by people around the world. Bitcoin isn't on some server somewhere, it is worldwide, on millions of computers. It seems as if with the explosion in the value of cryptocurrencies the collapse is coming soon. I'm not a professional investor, so always do your research, and place your money where you think it will work for you best.

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Sincerely Yours,



Thank you, I'm going to start looking into cryptocurrencies more now.

i just focus with the picture 😬