Centralization Creates Separation

in #blog7 years ago

The mainstream media constantly has us running in circles. It doesn't matter which channel you watch, they're all pushing the same agenda. That agenda is to distract you while the real news is playing out in front of your face. It doesn't matter if it's a Kardashian getting a sex-change or robbed, as long as you're thinking of anything else but what is really happening their plan is succeeding. Most people don't realize that secret societies that control the world and their plan was written out a long time ago. I believe there is a lot hidden within our past. I'm at the point where I believe ancient societies knew more about this world we live in than we do today, despite our abundance of technology.


People naturally work well in groups. Whether it's school, work, or our personal life we all come together and help each other. Almost everything we use today was invented with a group effort. Bitcoin has developers who voluntarily create updates to the blockchain. People donate time and money to charities to help people in need. Where would we be without the help from our friends and family when life gets too hard to handle alone. People receive joy from helping others and when we ignore those in need, we feel guilt. The citizens have the voice and the power but have willingly relinquished it back to the government. When we come together as a singularity our accomplishments can be endless.

The mainstream media's purpose is to distract, confuse, worry, and separate us. Government and media put us into groups; black rights, woman's rights, white privilege, welfare recipients, Latinos, illegal aliens and the list goes on. This keeps us arguing with each other. It doesn't have to be this complicated, we should all be on the same page. I don't mean we all need to follow the same beliefs but we should all be able to come together on our right to having freedom. We're all different and there is no way we'll ever be the same, however we should all have the same rights.

The original intention of The Founding Fathers of the United States was to allow individual rights and local governance. The reason is because we all hold different values. When laws are passed at the federal level, it may benefit a few but at the expense of many. People have more control over their government at the local level as well. It's hard to do anything on a national level because it effects so many people. If we removed the power from the federal government and returned it to the states people would be able to have the government they want. As long as the system you want to live in is voluntary and not forced, it would be perfectly fine.


Different communities may sprout up such as Anarchy, Socialism, Communism, or Capitalism. We live in different environments, there is no one size fits all for a country of 300 million people. Governments need to rob people to help others. If a free society people aren't giving up as much money and are more willing to help others. Before the government was involved in medical care, churches voluntarily helped the people who couldn't afford it. Back then most could afford medical care because it was so inexpensive, today it's the opposite, the majority can't afford healthcare.

The government wants to keep us fighting with each other so they can maintain the control. If we all came together, the government would not stand a chance. But people are asking for the wrong things from government, they want handouts. We should all be asking for the freedom to earn our money without relying on the government. The longer we have benefits or disadvantages for groups the more we are going to suffer. We need to remove benefits for anyone but allow everyone to have their freedom to pursue their happiness.

Please upvote, resteem, comment, and follow me.

Sincerely Yours,



Some Centralized systems won't survive for long time
Good expression of thought which makes you unique

Good ,
Keep posting such great thoughts

freedom to pursue their happiness

very valid point. nice article!

keep it up bro!!

I Have Thought for Quite A While movement at the local level to move companies and other organizations toward cooperative organization is worth considering. Cooperatives have existed throughout history. The primary difference between a Cooperative and the company is that profits are returned to the members, who are usually customers, and are not held by in different stockholders.

I'm not saying that corporations and multinational companies should go away, but it is in community's best interest to maintain control and ownership of its jobs local to itself. This is simply where the most interest in doing the best resides.

I don't have any problem with companies getting big because they provided a great service at an affordable price. I disagree with corporations getting corporate welfare and benefits, that is what creates monopolies, not the free market.

I think we all can agree that corporations provide many people, and society in general a lot of good as well as the bad that comes on when any organization becomes in different. Your article spoke of the value of moving government controls back to the states and the local government. I think ownership of the jobs likewise, when achievable, should return to the communities. There are many things that size of an operation makes this impractical.

But with the advent of block chain technologies, and the ability of companies to audit subsidiaries on a daily basis if necessary, it does not take much imagination to see that multi tiered corporations could be reorganized around a local Optima where each subsidiary stands on its own feet.

This would allow local management of an operation that would need to succeed or fail based upon its members productivity. Maybe I need to write an article think this through better!