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RE: Takeaway delivery gone wrong. pizza delivery stress and upset. what should I do?

in #blog7 years ago

Hey Drew, been a while. Sorry to read this post though... what an awful situation to end up in. Whereabouts were you?

Those guys sound like ass wipes though. But it does sound like you acted in the right way... you can't win a fight with those kind of people. Just gotta make sure you get out of their safely.

Hope you're ok now.


I don't easy scare @johleen but I was a little bit that night.

I have not been on here for a little while as illness struck the house and we have only just started to get over it.

Hope your ok anyway and send my best to your other half :)

I'm not surprised, it sounds like a genuinely worrying situation to be in.

Aww, well I hope you're all 100% better soon. Yep, I've not been on much recently either. I'm good though, and I'll pass the message on. :)