Is it possible to get along with co-workers?

in #blog7 years ago
I think nobody likes to be in a bad moodwith the people around youpeople around them ... Yes, no one, not even with that partner you're thinking about 😉 But coexistence becomes complicated if there are differences in the objectives and ways of working of each person. There are those who set foot in the company and do not have a discussion until it leaves, but it is not usual.


The first day you arrive at a company, I'm sure you do it with the best of intentions. You try to get along with everyone, especially if you have had a bad previous experience elsewhere. But with the passage of time the problems begin. At work many aspects of ourselves are put to the test so what can you do to build healthy relationships at work?

  • Do not be a gossip

Probably this you already knew, and yet, the most discreet people can be tempted by a gossip. Of course, it is inevitable to hear what others say in front of you, but what you can do is not to comment on the situation or the person you are talking about, even if you agree with what your colleagues say. When they realize that you are not that kind of person, they will avoid telling you foolishness because they will be ashamed of your maturity.
Do not let yourself be influenced by what others say about others, because it may be a lie. It is unfair to judge others on the basis of a situation in which you were not even present. If you learn to respect that, what they say about others or about you, it will not take away your sleep.

  • Accept your coworkers as they are

It's exhausting to think too much about things when they do not go out the way you want them to or when they're not done the way you normally would. But if you want to get along with your co-workers and receive respect from them we must accept them as they are, because we will all learn, we must remember that we are all ignorant but in different topics. Everyone has a particular way of doing things. With time, you will go from tolerating situations to simply accepting them without making a face of few friends.

  • Together too long

There are workplaces in which we live with very little related people in a small space for 8 hours or more every day. In these cases, it is necessary to review what is done in the rest time so as not to overload the atmosphere. Going outside may be a good idea, it is important to maintain a cordial attitude so that the environment is bearable.

  • Ask for permission to borrow things

This rule is not gold, but diamond. No matter how well you take with your colleagues, people are always jealous when it comes to things and work tools. Getting along with your co-workers depends a lot on explaining the reasons why you need to borrow and let them decide whether or not they want to do so. Do not always expect a reply yes. But you can always negotiate with them, after all, maybe you have something they need. But in the meantime, invest in what you need and buy the essentials.

  • You have to say hello and goodbye

Regardless of your mood, always try to greet and say goodbye to everyone, especially your direct supervisor. If in your office they do not usually do it, that's not why you should forget the courtesy of saying good morning, good afternoon, good night, see you later, etc.


If I have forgotten a golden rule, do not hesitate to leave a comment below. I would also like to know your work experiences and if you have a funny anecdote with your co-workers


I'm the always bitchie dude whom make a lot of noise in the office. But I'm also the least who hold grudge against anything and or any particular situation. To me, coworker is just another stranger we get along and work along. There's no hard feelings on any matter to an extend to hate each other. As long get the job done, I'd be happy to go for a beer with them. If there's idiots in the team who keep on failing everybody, let company rules and policies deal with them. That's it.

I have worked with unbearable people, acutalmente my colleagues are much more pleasant and I like the way you think the ideal is that if they are idiots the same company will take care of them, although sometimes they want to do it same