Thanks for taking the time to comment and for you kind words.
You made a good decision based on what I have seen and read. You dodged a bullet and you are brave for staying strong considering the pressure you must be under. This isn't about a virus. What is happening is evil. Nothing that is happening is anything to do with public health. I know someone who went blind after getting the jab and someone else who had hearing problems (they were both under 50). It's not about eradicating a virus it is about eradicating a sizeable chunk of the global population in the next 3-5 years due to the effects of these mRNA drugs just like the animals in the trials.
Those taking this drug are part of the human trials and the results are not looking good. They are desperately trying to keep the lies going and keep people in fear so they don't wake up to what is happening (Afghanistan). I just hope the 18+ months (and ongoing) of poweful psychological operations in which people have been conditioned that government control their lives for thier own good have not been as successful as those behind them hoped. We'll find out soon.
I won't go down quietly
I wont say im as far down the rabbit hole as you are, but im definitely not too far behind.
I do believe this is an ongoing trial
I am concerned about the long term effects of of introducing mRNA in to the body
I am completely shocked at how well "project fear" was played out and how many people fell for it hook, line and sinker.
I thought that "we" were about 40 to 45% of the population, but it turns out were closer to only 5% who would actively resist the government (which scares me). Turns out were fucked if it all properly kicked off.
I hope that in 3, 5 or even 10yrs the truth will out and i will have been proven right about how weak this virus actuslly is. It will be just be paced under the "i have a cold" section once everyone stops being scared of it.
Ill continue to be un-vaccinated, and ill continue to say fuck you project fear, ill continue to stack precious metals and ill continue to my life for whats best for me and the family.
Right on brother.
You are a good guy and your ability to think for yourself and not be a victim of project fear will serve you and your family well.
Take it easy