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RE: Bikini Photoshoot - Canada, BC

in #blog7 years ago

I modeled (runway) for 4 years. I never did photo shoots. The shots turned out great. Nice lighting and camera shots. Thanks for posting. Looks great


Runway.... That's awesome! I am just getting into runway internationally. I am looking forward to it! Any tips?
Thanks so much for the kind comments <3

Much love,


Yes, I have lots of tips. As you figured I am a male. There were very few of us doing Runway. Only 6% of us were male. As you know women are very competitive. Watch your back. Get good sleep. Take time to meditate or relax (walks in park listening to smoothing music etc). I take an excellent plant based mineral/vitamin supplement. This is the most important. It builds your immune system and helps your skin and eyes. This will be vital as a Runway model. Hope this helps. Let me know if you need more information.

Thank you very much for the tips! I will keep that in mind. I am very interested in the mineral/vitamin based supplement. What was it called? I have heard that it can be very cut-throat. Nevertheless, I am excited for it to begin. Would you say you enjoyed it sometimes?

Sorry if this is too long but it is important. Our skin is our largest organ. What is happening at a molecular level inside our body will manifest itself on our skin. 99% of mineral supplements that are on the market are derived from metallic clay or sea coral. Our bodies can only absorb 8% to 10% (not good). Only three companies world wide have 100% plant based minerals. Plant based colloidal minerals are the only type to take. You will absorb 92% to 100% of the minerals through your blood stream and into cell walls. The best company in the world for mineral and vitamin supplements is One of their many products is Beyond Tangy Tangerine Citrus flavor. It is a powder that you take everyday with your favorite juice or water. Taking this everyday and getting proper rest will give you beauty and youth. One more thing. This may seem off the wall, but here it goes. Try not to exhibit anger, jealousy, resentment or revenge. These negative characteristics will keep your body cells in a state of stress or not at ease. When your body cells are not at ease they are at dis-ease or disease. This is the root word for disease. If your cells are stressed, they will replicate flawed and you will age quickly. Being beautiful on the inside (being at peace with yourself and others) will directly help you to be beautiful on the outside. This we prove in a lab. It is 100% scientific. I have been a research scientist for over 15 years. I hope this helps. Feel free to ask more questions. If you need help ordering the minerals just let me know. The company works on a membership program like Sam's Club and Costco's does. You can order under my membership if need be (It is under a different name than Jet Blake).

Thank you SO much Jet! This is really good information, and are things I never would have known if not for you. I would love to order some of these minerals, and would love to use your membership if I could. Please let me know how to go abouts doing this. And again, thank you SO so much.

All the best to you,


My email is Send me an email and I will send you my information to order the vitamin/mineral supplement. I do not want to put my private information on this Steemit reply and have others order on my account. The product looks like this
It has 77 minerals and 12 vitamins and amino acids that we all need everyday. This will be your secret weapon that other models probably will not know about!