Injure Your Opponent... Injure Yourself | A Walking Dead Blog

in #blog8 years ago

We’ve seen Morgan come full circle.
The beloved everyman who helped the series’ main protagonist adjust to the new world way back in the first episode ending up losing his mind then finding it once again.

While Morgan’s adoption of a new philosophy helped him regain control, it didn’t erase the pain. This truth was on full display during this past Sunday’s episode. “Bury Me Here” showed the darkness Morgan had been hiding away – and I doubt it’s the last time we’ll see it.

Morgan has been one of the few people petitioning Ezekiel NOT to enter battle against The Saviors. This has gotten under the skin of many people, characters and fans alike.

But after Richard sabotages a drop off with the intention of becoming the martyr he believes The Kingdom needs, Benjamin ends up paying the price. This was all it took to bring back all the painful memories Morgan had been harboring about the loss of his loved ones.

“To injure your opponent is to injure yourself.” This pillar of Morgan’s peaceful philosophy was quoted by Benjamin before he passed – and it may have been what pushed Morgan over the edge.

The philosophy doesn’t necessarily mean that fighting back against aggressors is wrong – it means to fight another person invites retaliation. It begins a conflict, and almost always guarantees escalation on both sides.

Let’s look back to the first time Rick encountered The Claimers, the group that eventually invited Daryl to join them. In a panic and still recovering from the trauma sustained at Woodbury, Rick ended up murdering one of the men in order to avoid being discovered. Could Rick have been invited to join up too, like Daryl was? It’s a possibility. But his decision to kill came back to bite him later – though Rick bit back.

The series is full of instances like this, but the point is clear. The Saviors’ decision to use aggression as a means of enforcing their territorial control has made many enemies, the latest of which is Morgan.

This reveals the true purpose of Morgan’s philosophy – it was never a platform he could use to put himself above others, as some have assumed. But rather, it was methodology he could use to restrain the rage within himself. Even Eastman, his mentor, seemed to struggle with the urge to violate his code a couple of times. It was only a matter of time before Morgan reached his breaking point.

Richard wasn’t the first person Morgan had killed since his transformation, and he probably won’t be the last. The episode ended with Morgan sharpening his iconic staff into a spear – there’s no going back now.

It’s all a circle, and everything gets a return. With Morgan on the hunt once again, it seems like The Saviors could be in for a rude awakening.

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