7 Steps To Getting What You Want!

in #blog7 years ago

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I Can Tell You How To Get What You Want!

7 Steps To Getting What You Want!

Motivation/Goal Setting

In getting what one wants in life whether it's personal or professional, you'll need the motivation to go after it, and a plan on how you're going to achieve it. There are several ways to go about Motivation/Goal Setting. Below I have listed what I believe are the critical 7 Steps To Getting What You Want, and mastering your destiny.

Step One: Believe In Yourself.

Without self-confidence it's hard to become focused and motivated. Believing in yourself is the key component for achieving self-motivation making it critical to your success and getting what you want out of life. Whether it be a professional or personal, believing in yourself, and becoming motivated can be achieved in many ways, and is dependent on each individual. For some insight into self motivation, and motivation/goal setting see my blog post here.

Step Two: Set High Goals.

Setting goals is an important part of getting what you want. It's a part of your road map or plan. Setting your goals high will challenge you to do your best, help you create higher quality work, and have higher quality outcomes as a result. Additionally, achieving these high goals not only acts as a quality control mechanism, but it can help with self-motivation too.

Step Three: Write Down Your Goals and Read Them Daily.

Writing down your goals is crucial to organizing your path in life. Without written goals it's more difficult to develop a detailed plan toward achieving them. Reading your goals daily not only helps you to stay on point, but also helps to develop the subconscious mind. Knowing your goals intimately strengthens your power of concentration, and achievement probability. Repetition is key.

Step Four: Visualize Yourself Achieving You Goals Regularly.

As mentioned above developing the subconscious mind can be an important part of achievement. Through autosuggestion, or self-suggestion you can get your subconscious seamlessly working for you in the background. I highly suggest reading the book "Think And Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill for more insight into developing your subconscious mind. An excellent book!

Step Five: Break Larger Goals Into Smaller More Manageable Goals, But Don’t Get Bogged Down And Loose Focus.

Breaking goals down makes them seem more easily achievable. Achieving your goals in parts allows you significant achievement a little sooner and can act as a motivator too. We all have experienced the satisfaction, and feeling of accomplishment of task completion. By breaking goals into sub-goals accomplishments act as motivators to continue on your successful journey.

Step Six: Surround Yourself With Like Minded Positive People.

We've all heard the phrase "Show me your friends, and I'll show you your future." Surrounding yourself with positive, like minded people can go a long way to helping you become an achiever, and an overwhelming success. Successful people are generally upbeat, positive, offer encouragement, and are more likely willing and able to help you out when needed. These associations can be irreplaceable as a positive influence on you, and getting what you want.

Step Seven: Repeat!

If your plan fails, come up with another one. Someone once said, I believe it was Thomas Edison "I haven't failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work." Well, that goes to never giving up, and once you find what works Repeat It!

Please add your thoughts on these steps or add more below in the comments section. Thanks!



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