Sorry about the lack of new posts. The onset of winter seems to have caused a flare-up of my old back injuries, and I have zero energy left over after my library shift for creative or productive endeavors.
In 2007, I was hit by a carelessly-driven telehandler forklift. I learned then that workman's comp is hell and any dream of universal healthcare is absurd. The State does not care, and its monopoly bureaucracy can't help but be abusive and wasteful. The doc encouraged me to overdose on over-the-counter pain relief, and now I get bleeding ulcers when I take any NSAIDs. I have no easy pain relief options as I cope with the aftermath of having been declared "fit for work" again. I had a hell of a legal fight to get any coverage of some physical therapy for which they decided to rescind approval, too.
In 2012, my car was rear-ended as I was making a turn into a parking lot. I was spun 270 degrees or so by the impact and my car was totaled. Fortunately, my car insurance medical coverage took care of that injury reasonably well. I had to lawyer up again to with the other insurance company, but got something that almost resembled a decent settlement in the end. Not great, but better than the slap in the face from the state's workman comp.
This year I did something that screwed up my shoulder. It hurts so much I feel sick to my stomach. Yay. No idea what triggerd it, either.
So expect little in the way of new posts in the near term. When I get home from work, I will be applying alternating ice and heat to my back and shoulder while playing mindless video games in an attempt to escape the pain. The only other effective alternatives are illegal drugs I can't afford or crawling into a bottle of booze, and neither of those are exactly what I would call healthier alternatives.
Sorry to hear about the flare-up. I know the cold is hard on joints & old injuries. Turmeric is a proven anti-inflammatory. I sprinkle a little into nearly everything I make! Seriously, it's on my counter more than in the spice drawer. I put it in my butter coffee, all my soups, savory dishes and any sweets that have chocolate or cinnamon! I also stir it into ketchup and it adds a nice Tang without being overpowering.
Also, have you considered adding grass-fed gelatin to your diet? It's tasteless, and if you purchase the hydrolyzed type, you can stir it into just about anything without affecting the texture. I have weird children who have jello, so instead I stir this into smoothies, soups, hot cocoa, coffee and even sprinkle it on cinnamon toast or almond butter topped bananas!
I do hope you feel better soon!
Very sorry to hear this. I am a avid fan of the old hot bath.
I wonder if Prednisone would be of use? It is very affordable and makes me feel like Im 18 again. Best of luck to you.
Some forms of cbd are legal everywhere, it will help with inflamation.
Kratom is apparently a bad thing when also dealing with thyroid disease. Otherwise, I would have tried that too. CBD might be an option.
Man, if you can get CBD then please do!! Go read up on the 100'sof proven medicinal benifits from CBD
Ah man! I had to start going to the sauna for the back, especially in the build up to winter! You can grow your own medicine at home? illegal drugs arn't the way to go nor is alchohol , but cannabis?
Get signed of from work again for maybe depression and insomnia, give it a go?
Edit.. You can (I don't know what you like to eat) cut out sugary foods , these cause us inflammation in our joints and I feel it in my knees from arteritus when I was young and in my back from working if I binge on the sweet things..
I have already cut most sugary foods from my diet due to diabetes in the family. Cannabis is not legal for even medicinal use where I currently live. And I can't afford to take time off from work. Neither can work afford my absence.
If my quality of life was suffering and I could grow a plant which would help me, then the word illegal, would be just someones made up legal act and nothing else. Its not a law- legal and lawful are two different things.. They enslave citizens by use of words, tricking people into believeing that illegal is unlawful. In usa,canada and the Uk, and maybe Australia, these countrys are under maritime law (law of the sea)aka Common law. You do not have to take legalitys as a real thing, its voluntary!
Go get a lamp ,some soil and a seed 😀
I have been preaching the difference between legality and morality for years. However, the risk/reward balance isn't comfortable for me. And I can't stand the smell of the plants, so I can't very well set up an indoor grow op, and the weather isn't good for outdoor crops.
it's always been available everywhere, though, and always will be. :)
Yeah. I know people who know people. But I can't stand the smell. Perhaps in the form of baked goods, it could work, but I can't do dairy.
Yeah, it's a shame it's not legal everywhere. I do think that places with at least medical would be far better for someone in your situation. You are clearly not a "stoner" or pot smoker (nothing wrong with being one or not being one) but could almost certainly benefit from its use medically. Maybe even topical solutions would help you. They also have drinks, oils, etc.
Someday! Fingers crossed. It's not legal medically where I live either.
We all have aches, they come in different shapes and sizes. But real physical pain must be the worst kind, fucking life..
the consequences of accidents at work or at home pass the bill sooner or later, so it is best to prevent, without any doubt in some countries medical treatment and payment by insurance companies always generates a lot of headache.

Your brief history has inspired me to write about those topics, in which I have some knowledge and I think I can contribute something for this social network.
I hope you get well soon.