That Friday Feeling #15

in #blog4 years ago (edited)

Today is Friday and that means one thing. It’s the weekend.

The overwhelming sense of relief that your responsibility from work is over for the next 64 hours.

What do we do with that time?

Well that’s 3 nights of sleep so that’s 24 hours. We’re left with 40 hours of awake time between clocking out and clocking back in.

Especially in lockdown, sometimes there are weekends where I’m not that sure of what I’ve actually achieved in those 40 hours.

Too much of that time is probably spent on my phone (largely social media), another chunk is probably watching Tv (although there will be some overlap with the phone time, all about that double screening life), another chunk will be life tasks such as showering, cooking and eating.

Those take significant chunks out of our weekends, especially Tv and phone screen time.

That’s why I like exercising. Even if I achieve nothing else, I can at least chalk up the fact that I’ve gotten out there and exercised. Going out for walks is a good one aswell, something else to tick off.


Without any social events allowed, the list of things we can achieve has been reduced. This leads me onto a couple of questions.

  1. Do we have an obligation to be productive?
  2. Is this an internal pressure or an external pressure?
  3. Should we hold ourselves to the same standard when in lockdown vs out of lockdown?
  4. Was there this same pressure in previous generations and if so, how has it changed and what caused it to change?

I don’t know the answer to any of these. I am however, going to try to reduce the pressure I put on myself whilst simultaneously trying to be more productive because I want to not because I need to.

Not sure what to focus on yet, but Rome wasn’t built in a day.