So I’ve been working on a lot of article ideas I’d like to post on this platform and they’re all good ideas. I even came up with a series I want to write complete with chapter titles and all. But what good are ideas if they never turn into something more.
I don’t know if my inability to follow through on these articles is a normal stage of acclimating to a blogging platform like Steemit or if the pressures and demands of succeeding in this community are causing me to stay stagnant. Either way, the only way I win is by not falling victim to the plight of so many other minnows and actually commit to writing quality content.

Herein lies my problem. Writing has always been an insecurity of mine. I never felt like a good writer and often worried that my written communication skills were subpar compared to most. This never proved to be true in my life as my evaluated work has always been well received. Even so, the insecurity remains, and it hinders me from seeing many of my ideas come to fruition.
What it comes down to is that I’m afraid of putting my heartfelt work out there to be judged by my followers and the general public of Steemit. I worry my fears will be confirmed, that my writing, my ideas and thoughts leave something to be desired. Or maybe I’m afraid my content will actually be really good and I’ll be forced to live up to my full potential and accept that I am actually talented and have a lot to contribute to this platform, that I am not just average. Either way, it scares me.

Being average is easy. When you downplay yourself often enough people tend to expect less of you. This takes the pressure off and if you succeed everyone is impressed but if you fail, it’s not that serious. A win win right? Except this is just a defense mechanism that insecurities conjure up to keep us from really shooting for the stars.
I tend to stick to arenas where the average joe finds success. This has played out in so many ways in my life. It has impacted where I went to school, what jobs I applied for, and what promotions I pursued. But I think it’s time I take a risk.

I would like to make a commitment to the Steemit community to not hold back anymore. I am committing to write at least one heartfelt, well thought out post every week. Being a keenly self-aware person I have gleaned insights which I feel I have a responsibility to share with a larger audience. My posts may not impact everyone who reads them but if it affects even one person in a positive way then it was worth it.
I hope you all will interact with my thoughts as I take this journey of vulnerability and share my heart. Please keep me accountable to this commitment as I believe accountability is necessary for success. I would like to extend this challenge to any and all who believe they will benefit from it. Sometimes it takes a challenge to get us to move into our full potential and a challenge is twice as powerful when paired with commitment. Thank you for taking the time to hear my voice. I look forward to hearing yours.
All photos taken from Unsplash or taken on my iPhone.
This totally spoke to me. I'll get excited about an outline of posts I've created, then sit on it to the point that I convince myself it's not worth the effort. Then a few months ago I read Do the Work by Steven Pressfield. The book calls this the Resistance and it's out to kill our creativity, not just hold it back. He presents this in such a direct, humorous, and poignant way that I've read through it a couple times now just to get myself back into gear. You can read the book in one sitting -- and it will take you through Resistance and out the other side to buckling down and letting yourself do your calling.
Best wishes. I've followed you, which comes with an auto-vote. I look forward to hearing what you have to say. 😊
(The book link is affiliate link, which sends a small reward my way at no cost to you. I only uses for books that I paid for myself, used myself, and enjoyed.)
On Resistance...
On Doing the Work ...
Love this! I like how the Resistance is portrayed as an active, living force that we must be keenly aware of and fight with all we have. I totally feel this force in my own life. I may actually have to give that book a read. Thanks for the insight 😊
He's a writer, so this definitely speaks to writers. But one of my readings was to rediscover my inspiration for my exercise workouts. So it broadly applies to anything we know has long-term value for us, but instead lose ourselves in news headlines.
From what I understand, it's kind of killer summation of two other books that he wrote earlier: War of Art and Turning Pro. I recently started War of Art, which is still great, but a bit longer.
I'm guessing some folks might feel it's aggressive, but I enjoy the directness, the boldness, and (in the end) its kindness. In the end, I don't think it's a self-improvement book. It's more a call to action.
Even the "About this Book" section kicks if off so well.
"Where butts need to be kicked, we shall kick them. Where kinder, gentler methods are called for, we’ll get out the kid gloves."
I'll stop there. I already look like too much of a fanboy. 😋
Yesss @seanlloyd!! I'll keep the fanboying going haha
I just read the "War of Art" and it has done so much for me. Or should I say it has at least helped me to identify that thing--The Resistance--that I could always sense was present and working against me, but could never quite put my finger on. I think naming the enemy is a big first step in the right direction, so now I can recognize when I'm being beaten by it. Beating it is the real challenge (that I am currently undergoing, success tbd).
the book is super short and I listened to it on YouTube here, and at 1.25x/1.5x speed it takes maybe a little over 2 hours. Couldn't recommend it highly enough!@introspector if you're interested,
I actually took screenshots of my favorite lines and have been *trying to read them every morning. I'll throw them on here in case someone might find it useful!
I just recommended this book to someone in another comment so seeing this gave me a kick, apologies for any over-enthusiasm lol
Don't let insecurities be the hindrance for your might be future success. You should be thankful with your talent because not all have a talent like yours. Keep working on where you are good at. Be positive!
Thanks! I have definitely been working on chasing away the negative thoughts and pursuing positivity 😊
@introspector, this helps me.
hi dont downplay yourself, be proud of your work and dont feel any pressure for being successful.
I will vote for you, but help me with your vote, I will always love you
It is hard and I have also been there and some days I still am. In the words of my husband though, just post it. Best of luck and from the few posts of yours that I have read, I can honestly say that you have a beautiful way of writing and have I have enjoyed reading them.
Thank you 😊. Appreciate the support and positive feedback. And yes, I agree with your husband. Sometimes we need to stop thinking and just do it!
You can write really well. You may have the same condition that I have. I can write well but it takes me forever to. Otherwise I sound like a total idiot 🤪 It’s scary throwing your soul out there in the ether. It helps me to pretend I am writing solely for myself. I also like putting myself in positions where it’s easy to succeed, rather than where it’s heavy competition. You’d think we were related 😜
Haha! Yeah, we may have a few things in common 😉. I do struggle with the time it takes to write but I have found that when I focus on writing from my heart it flows a lot better and formulates much faster. So that’s what I’ve decided to focus on. It’s a good place to start for me and it’s a lot less intimidating.
I have similar thoughts. Thanks for sharing and best wishes with your challenge. I also challenged myself to post photos daily and a longer, more in-depth story weekly. Here's to blogging... And, you have a new follower :)
Thanks 😊 I just checked out your blog and you have gained a follower as well. I like your photos. Looking forward to seeing more of your content.
Great, I appreciate your comment! Wishing you well :)
Comment on other people's posts, heaps.
Warm, supportive, insightful comments which contribute specifically to that conversation.
You'll end up amassing cheerleaders who want you to succeed; reasons to come back again and again.
Eventually the engagement becomes addictive and you get antsy if you go more than a few days without posting.
You'll do great :)
Thanks! I have been working on interacting more on other steemian’s blogs and I definitely enjoy contributing my 2 cents 😊
Nice read. Thank you. My advice.. Be a shark. See: https://steemit.com/life/@chrismccron/when-there-is-blood-in-the-water-daily-meditation-20