I could be your Dad. But a young Dad. Someone knows the knocks of life who can give valuable advice.
Age in general means very little. But let's talk about it
You could be 20 to 25 years old and "more mature" for your age than your friends
You could be 35 to 40 years old and be "immature" for your age.
How old is @intelliguy
I won't tell you the exact age I am, but I will tell you some important facts:
I've been scammed many times until I learned how to see scams before they happen
I've always thought I was smarter than my parents, and in many ways I am. ..but only to realize they did what they did, because those were the only decision making options they had at the time.
Life is tough. It can seem easy, and it can seem there are endless doors open and endless possibilities.
Sometimes you have to realize that life deals you a bad hand (just like poker) and you just have to make the best of what you have...
..and people make the best of what they have, every single day..
We have staples in life:
- Food
- Shelter
- Security
- Happiness
...as long as you have those things intact, you are free to explore your future by trying your game at life.
....and that's what I did... before many of you... I locked down the basic necessities of life... and then explored my potential. Until I learned some long hard lessons...
- Life isn't fair
- What is right, isn't always accepted
- What is wrong, is sometimes accepted
...WHOA! Those are basic fundamentals in life that can screw with your daily routine!!
We watch TV or movies, and the good guy always wins.
We are taught in school, work hard, and the rewards will come.
...and when neither of those things come true.... We realize, we're swimming in the life pool of shark infested waters.
So what do you do?
You adapt. However, when you adapt, you shouldn't lose your morals while you adapt.
Can you explain that in simple terms??
You get one single chance to have life here on earth. You can be like everybody else, stuffing money into your pocket, or what you can do, is strive to be the 1% who is different. BE SPECIAL.
You don't thrive on money. You thrive on being a decent human being without hurting others..
When you lay your head down on your pillow at night, just before you go to sleep, are you happy with the type of person you are, and what you did in the last 24 hours?
Most evil people of huge corporations that bankrupt people and put them on the street don't ask themselves these questions. It's all part of the life game they play. "Better them than me, sleeping in the cold is for stupid people who don't know how to make money" they may say.
I am the type of person that if I go through my entire life not being rich, just truthful, and non-harming to someone else, that will be the best thing I could do not only for myself, but others too.
So let's address the title of this post again:
I could be your Dad. But a young Dad. Someone knows the knocks of life who can give valuable advice.
Knowing what I've just told you about me. The fact I'm older, been scammed, lived life the hard way, and have this never-ending need to pay it forward and tell you the truth about things...
I'm someone you just met on the internet, but will happily answer your questions and make it a mission of mine to keep being open and honest with you about life. That, to me, is a very valuable gift I can give all of you.
...the question now becomes... are you willing to accept and receive it?
"It's not the age, it's the mileage." We can all learn from each other.
Age is just a number, until you start stretch and realize you are not as flexible as before. As we age I hope our minds, and our spirits, become more flexible and our bodies do not.
Another good post. Thank you for your efforts.
My efforts are exactly for people like yourself that appreciate it. Thanks for the comment. :)
You couldn't have said it any better, age is just something we use to keep track of time. Its like the concept of numbers and years.
Maturity is not a function of age. If it was, my country would not be as backward as it is. I mean, my president is over 70. For a man his age, he shohld be considered mature with the knowledge to take a country forward.
But naa, he doesn't know shiit. Age is still just a number. If you live by the ideals you share on your post, then you would make a good dad :)
Living a life of simplicity doesn't leave room for a lot of BS.
I think I am older than you and certainly older than most Steemit bloggers. I could be their mom :) I read your post with much interest and I agree with what you wrote. Being older means that you have more life experience and you can share those experiences and you are doing just that.
You are a big help to many Steemit users.
I smiled as I read your comment. That was awesome. :)
Life isn't fair
What is right isn't always accepted and what is wrong is sometimes accepted
Very well posted for thats how reality goes just like telling or saying white lies to make things better (for everybody's sake). And for age its really not a big deal 'coz the number doesn't give you the power to manage and deal things. Its how your minds work and your being dealing things maturely regardless of your age that matters a lot. People may sometimes misjudged young ones and their ability but you never know they can do things better than those older than them. Great post (reality speaks) and thank you for sharing. God bless
It is a hard lesson in life, and I am glad you took notice of it in your comment.
I never thought that would ever be true.. but it keeps happening in my life over many years. :(
Thanks @roselyn028
Your welcome.. it also did happens to me.. well I guess to many also specially those who dont have enough strength to fight for their right (for the young one's and less fortunate) and all they could do or we could do is just go with the flow. No worries for you sir @intelliguy for sure experience helps you stand still in such situations plus maturity that can deal with it well and strength through the years. More power and God bless.
I'm 24 but I look 15, people take turn to try to swindle me, but when I get done with them, they always look at people with little face twice.
However it's not the age, I hardly know a lot in some areas of life, while some younger people does, it's how life works the experience
Age means nothing, to a strong-willed person like yourself. Keep up the good work. Scammers only win if people buy into it. You're too smart for them and it is nice to see it.
Life is different for different people. Depending on the circumstances you were born into rich or poor, healthy or sick, how you view things can be very different. I have lived in several countries around the world and have found that what life means to many people is sometimes the exact opposite for other. for some it is about aggregating material things for others it is only about survival for them and their families. So I have learned to approach it based on where the person is rather than where I am. But I always say that the most important thing sit live it as fully as possible meaning love well and deep, never hold on to anger or grudges, make good friends and try and be kind to strangers. These simple outlooks will serve each of us well I believe. No matter the background or the outlook on life. What do you think my friend?
I think you are a person with a bright mind, who understands good you can do, vs harm and evil you you can do... Your outlook on life ... and the fact you think about it this way means you are doing it well.
Thanks for your comment and sharing this piece of you to everyone.
Tank you sir. You are a nice man and your thoughtful post is also well received. We who have a bit have an obligation to give back when we can and to make it easier for those without. Thanks again for your post.
It doesn't matter where you are, or where I am.
We see the same moon and same sun, and stand on the same planet of earth.
You and I share so much together. I wish I could shake your hand. But even if that does not happen.. I wish you the best in life. I really mean that...
Good people need to find other good people. Lucky for us the internet can do that. :)
Thank you for your kind words and I agree wholeheartedly. This is my 8th country I have lied in and I have learned that the real way to bring people together is to travel. If you go and see you will have your own unique experience and no one can then tell you anything about a place. But you have to travel with your blinders off and with a heart to learn and discover. As an American it took me a while but now I can appreciate all people and I have friends all over the world. Who knows, maybe one day we will shake hands int he meantime all the best to you and please keep in touch and stay positive.
I don't know your age and I won't be guessing it, but I know You can be my dad not only me but everybody else, even the ones on their 50-60, because the way you give advice in life to everyone is one trait of a great dad, I like every part of this blog Especially these
strive to be the 1% who is different
you don't thrive on money, you thrive on being a decent juman being without hurting others.
And yes @intelliguy, I'm very much willing to accept and receive all the tips that you are giving... 😘😘❤️
How many times do you want to have 40 hours now? Yes, there are 20 people who want to be the most respected person. Who is the OMR or the other person who does not have any other job? No matter what you want to do. Alagappa hi ho sakta hai kya hai hai haia ho ho jaye uss par Vishwas na kya sahi hai vishwas karna ho ho haha hai hai hai me hai hai hai hai usko usa uske
You wrote that last part in Hindi, which translated means:
...and if I translate Alagappa in Hindi it means Algebra, math.
So something seems to be lost in translation. :(
When it come to life in general, I believe it's all about the very things that which you haven't done.
Hiw old are you @intelliguy. #peace 😁✌
I am not good with choice of words, but wanted to mention how well you summarized what living life really is:
Progress is not higher GDP, higher productivity, or even bigger bank accounts. Progress is raising the next generation of kids to be helpful and useful to society. I would say it is like passing down one's experiences to the next generation in hopes of future prosperity.
At the end of the day those dollars we earned, saved, and spend really means nothing more than material. I feel society as a whole is distorting reality. That the reality is earning a ton of money equates to great success. I'll be honest I wish I was rich, but it is not going to bring me the happiness and joy I seek.
Working tirelessly and saving every penny I can may give a bigger nest egg down the road, but not enjoying the journey toward reaching this goal means nothing as I would not know how to appreciate what I have and what I did with my life.
Nowadays many kids are being taught to focus on earning more for the sake of getting bigger nest eggs. Yet how and why this is so important to have is rarely thought about or discussed. Is it really for the bigger house, faster car, or stable retirement?
Money can bring happiness when used wisely, but having a lot of it does not mean happiness. Success does not always have to equate to having more or earning more. How I live my life and being able to accept it for what it is and focus on what I can change is what living life is all about. Thanks.
@intelliguy Very nice post :) Best wishes. - @splendorhub
hello intelliguy... after reading your post i can say one thing..i just hope the users reading this ,give the proper caution on what you say and use the wisdom-experience you share with us for their benefit to a better world...i agree 100% with you and i really find myself been through the same experiences like you... i couldn't have said it better!!......bravo!!... my hopes for a better world diminish every day though!!
Nice post i love it
aging is like climbing a big mountain; while the forces rise, they diminish, but the look is freer, the view wider and more serene.
excellent posts friend liked me
I am a young dad too.
Not too young, I mean. Just "still young".
And hot.
Hehe I wanted to know too, so we're about the same age ;)
BTW you didn't listen the most important staple: