Why we must reconsider the effects of overusing screens why?

in #blog7 years ago

Whether screens’ evaluation can be treated as a positive or a negative thing has been always a pronounced question. On the one hand, students, employees and many others are learning things, which are helpful for their growth in future; on the other hand, there is a numerous number of drawbacks with abusing screens. Certainly, screens have been invented in order to offer a consumer with a better lifestyle. However, it is heading towards wrong direction these days, as many negatives of screens that associate with time is accelerating.

Positives of screens are well known to everyone. Nevertheless, the other side of the coin is not well known by many people around the globe. We bother much about children, regardless of time. Sometimes we are being forced by them to purchase a cell phone or to switch on a TV. They love watching cartoons and comedies on TV, I pads and smartphones, but what if they get addicted to it and do not go ahead without a phone. If they are lost in this so-called digital world, there will be several adverse effects that may happen in their lives.

Every parent bothers about the recommendation about how much time does my child can be allowed to watch screens. Experts say that time may not be the answer but the answer is whether your child is giving warning or signs that they are addicted to screens.

Some of the warning signs include: if screen time interferes with daily activities, causes conflict for the child or in the family, or is the only activity that brings the child joy. Whether they are using it in a healthy way.

Surprising researches have been done in order to radically understand the negatives of using screens. Some experts say if children use screens such as TV, Smart phone and tablets in such a huge amount, they are more likely to face speech delays, which results in negative outcomes. Because these infants start watching screens before they actually began to talk, which makes them to not to develop how to talk.

Based on a screening tool for language delay, researchers found that the more handheld screen time a child's parent reported, the more likely the child was to have delays in expressive speech. For each 30-minute increase in handheld screen time, researchers found a 49 percent increased risk of expressive speech delay.

And the most notorious drawback is that these screens may give people the increased depression and even suicidal behaviour, especially in teens. There have been many types of research going on this particular topic because it seems to be more dangerous to young people especially to girls. However, these researchers say that they need more researches in order to confirm the statement.

They found that 48 percent of teens who spent five or more hours per day on electronic devices reported at least one suicide-related outcome, compared to only 28 percent of those who spent less than an hour a day on devices. Depressive symptoms were more common in teens who spent a lot of time on their devices, as well.

We can improve in many aspects if we use these screens limited. As they are requisite in this present era, we cannot avoid them completely. However, practising limited use of not more than 2 hours a day, not considering office works or useful activity, not only helps us in things like improved sleep, studies, and behaviours but also improves our mental health.