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RE: Centralization Creates Separation

in #blog7 years ago

I Have Thought for Quite A While movement at the local level to move companies and other organizations toward cooperative organization is worth considering. Cooperatives have existed throughout history. The primary difference between a Cooperative and the company is that profits are returned to the members, who are usually customers, and are not held by in different stockholders.

I'm not saying that corporations and multinational companies should go away, but it is in community's best interest to maintain control and ownership of its jobs local to itself. This is simply where the most interest in doing the best resides.


I don't have any problem with companies getting big because they provided a great service at an affordable price. I disagree with corporations getting corporate welfare and benefits, that is what creates monopolies, not the free market.

I think we all can agree that corporations provide many people, and society in general a lot of good as well as the bad that comes on when any organization becomes in different. Your article spoke of the value of moving government controls back to the states and the local government. I think ownership of the jobs likewise, when achievable, should return to the communities. There are many things that size of an operation makes this impractical.

But with the advent of block chain technologies, and the ability of companies to audit subsidiaries on a daily basis if necessary, it does not take much imagination to see that multi tiered corporations could be reorganized around a local Optima where each subsidiary stands on its own feet.

This would allow local management of an operation that would need to succeed or fail based upon its members productivity. Maybe I need to write an article think this through better!