Silent blog from war zone: seems like everything goes right:)

in #blog3 years ago

Hi, guys!

Over the past couple of weeks, I managed to get quite a lot done for my project, although at first. she felt like a car with a dead battery. When you turn the key in the ignition again and again, hoping that it will still start, but it does not. And if it does, now you have to ride hard, waiting for the battery to charge. And in this case, of course, it is important that there is gasoline. If not, the situation will be quite sad.

I was still able to go. Start doing almost everything I used to do again, and quite successfully. Right now I'm trying to sign up for tomorrow's contempo class. I've never done this before and I'm interested in trying it. On Monday I return to aerial gymnastics, and on Tuesday I go back to my vocal teacher. On the one hand, I am excited and looking forward to all this, but on the other, I still feel resistance. But I know that sooner or later it will definitely pass.

The same applies to my drawing lessons, my main job. I am very slowly drawn into the process, but still drawn in. In this case, the main thing is not to stop, as the wise Japanese say, "quickly is slowly, but regularly."

So I have everything now. By deciding that it wasn't all about the destination, but about the journey itself, I did myself a big favor.

My dog, as always, supports me in this journey. True, now it's too hot to walk, so she is mostly asleep, but she sleeps very inspiringly :)



