Hi, guys!
If you’re with my blog for long enough you may be remember Jerry?:) My cute little crocodile, who was living with my mother for last 10 (or may be more) months, and now she’s back home, happy and healthy.
My mom brought her in Exo Terra shelter where she got stuck. We couldn’t break the plastic shelter – it was a 99% possibility that we’ll hurt my lizard. So I had to be creative. I took a tweezers and slowly and gently pulled her tail. After some pulling I understood that I managed to unstuck my crocodile lady, but she was super scared and didn’t want to get out. I had to make her, cause otherwise she could get stuck again, and in that case it would be even more stress for her.
So what I did – I started filling the shelter with water. Slowly, step by step, to let Jerry understand that she will sink soon and perform some actions. After five-seven minutes of a gentle flood my lizard finally decided to show her sweet muzzle.
It was a victory, Jerry was saved! At the moment she refuses to eat, but that’s natural for little gecko after such dramatic events. I will keep offering her food every day, and one day she’ll take it. Here I will remind to those, who don’t know that an adult gecko doesn’t eat every day even without stress – she eats, and than process food for days. I think my record was about fifteen days refusing food gecko after stress, so it’s OK. She may get a bit thinner, but it’s OK as well, we will quickly become fat and beautiful again when we’ll start eating:)
See you in the next post!
Love, Inber
She is beautiful inber
Visit my blog
Little jerry for now but I believe as time goes on, she will grow and grow to be big compare to this present size. Looking thinner now