Today I'd love to start a new series of reviews, and this time it will be art of Hayao Miyazaki - japanese most famous (and most awesome) animator artist, one of the founders if the Studio Ghibli, and the one alone human in the world who managed to make me love anime cartoons:)
I plan to go through most of the famous artworks of this maestro, but today I'll start with one of my favorite ones - "How'ls moving castle"
One of the reasons I love the Ghibli artbooks so much is that Miyazaki works with fsketches in the technique I frequently use myself. Use a lot, in fact, and which is kind of my favorite - ink mixed with watercolor. Ink outline, and watercolor coloring. And it has lots of marginali skttches that help to go through all te progess of creation, and it's definitely an awesome thing.
The main thing I fell in love in the cartoon at the first sight - the castle. I don't know how one should start to think to come up with such a creation. All these tiny details, organically assembled together, not only from the outside, but inside too. The Howl's bedroom alone can take a lot of time to review.
Watercolor art of the moment when Sophie meets the castle. I can't stop marvel how light and filled with motion thes watercolors are!
Every sketch is filled with castle details. So is every image, by the way. For example - the city where Sophie lived:
All these red flags look like fire. In the neat post I'll stop more specifically on characters and concepts, my favotite theme:)
Thank you for watching:)
Love, Inber

I have no word
Just Magic
Thank you
It really is magic:)
Thanks for sharing this artists work. It is just the type of fantastical imagery that appeals to my idealistic nature. <3
You're most welcome:)
I am a big fan of Miyazaki. It's a pity an animation artist can make only a dozen films during lifetime. I would like to see so much more) By the way, where the pictures are from?
From the Howl's moving castle artbook:)
Thanks! :) I consider this film as one of his best creations!
Me too:)
very interesting, thanks
Thanks for watching:)
This may be my favorite anime, thanks for the post.
Thanks for watching:)
Very steampunkesque! I like it very much!
Ha-ha:) I plan to make a post about steampunk later today:)
🇯🇵🌿 I love Hayao Miyazaki's work like so many other people around the world do. It's a good idea for any admirer of Miyazaki who creates related content online to be familiar with Studio Ghibli's guidelines on copyright law. The first link below goes to an English-language explanation provided for fans of Miyazaki's work.🍀
Thanks for the information:) As I understand I anyway can use a few of them to show, only for the artbook review. I'm giving a credit, so...
Howl's Moving Castle is my all time favorite movie and book. I love Hayao Miyazaki and his art. Howl is so beautifully drawn. Spirited Away is also just as beautiful. I'm working on plans now to make a Totoro baby quilt for my friend who is pregnant. Really great of you to share this art from Howl!
I also have the Spirited away artbook too:) May be will show a few drawings from there in another post:)
i want to do some photo to transfer on wood
To transfer what?
sorry for my bar english...........i can transfer pics on wood block ore canvas
I see:) Don't worry, english is not my native too:)
my its self learn :D
Well, I learned it at school, but it was 13 years ago:) Then I just started to communicate, read books and watch movies in english, and now I'm OK with it:)
What's your native?
i was learn russian :D but i dont know of one word of russian! my natie its Serbian,am from Serbia