Creative writing plans

in #blog3 months ago

Hi, guys!

Today I have a short break from writing the text, because I need to stop and do some planning. Yesterday I almost finished editing the first part, I wanted to continue writing, but I realized that I urgently needed to sort out the characters and their motives in my head, otherwise it would be a mess. So today I will spend the day drawing up diagrams of the motivations of the characters and the main groups of characters. I will literally draw diagrams with their motives, what they pretend to want, and what they really want. So far I don’t really have an idea of ​​how it will all look, but I think the main thing here is to start, and then it will somehow go by itself.

Now I plan to first order food, and then sit down to work. Yesterday I wrote a lot of plans for today and I hope that I will be able to fulfill them all. Yesterday I went to training for the first time and it turned out that in principle everything went pretty well, I did not lose shape as much as I thought, and I think I will be able to recover after some time. But now the most important thing is to make diagrams and write everything down, so that I have an understanding of what I'm doing in my head.

I've never done anything like this before and of course I'm a little nervous. But I hope I can do it. In the end, all these moments need to be carefully thought out anyway, because I'm not writing one book, but a whole series, and it will be too late to think them through later, I need to think about everything now, so that later I have something to rely on. Therefore, I will make diagrams that I will rely on for the next few years.

I hope I can do it and in the end I will have a complete understanding of what I'm working with and what I should do next.

Have a great day everyone!


