natural methods to whiten your teeth, your dentist will be angry!

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

Have you ever had problems to remove the plaque from your teeth? Today, we will share with you a natural remedy that help to reduce it considerably, and also the aspects that you take care not to hurt your teeth in the process.

The first thing is to know what is the scale. The yellowish substance that sticks to your teeth is bacterial plaque, which has hardened by minerals that it contains. It can appear on the teeth, on the edge of the gums and under them. As it is more porous, it absorbs other materials easily and can darken when you have habits such as smoking, drinking coffee or alcoholic beverages.

The best way to avoid this is to brush your teeth at least twice a day and flossing. But... and if you already have some scale? Here are some natural remedies that will help you to reduce it:

  1. homemade pasta


1.- 1 tablespoon of toothpaste
2.- 2 tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide
3.- 2 tablespoons of baking soda
4.- 2 tablespoons natural water

How it works:
To prepare the mixture stirring well all ingredients with a wooden spoon, in a glass container. Since everything is well integrated is a soft cream that you can apply in the teeth with a soft bristle brush.

You should brush for five minutes and then rinse well. For best results use this remedy once a week.

2 natural lemon tea


1.- Juice of half a lemon
2.- Half a cup of warm water

How it works:
Stir the lemon juice with water; bedtime performs various mouthwashes with substance, for 3 to 5 minutes. Don't forget to rinse with water.

Only you must apply this remedy once a week, because it is an acid and can damage the teeth. He is best done at night, because the juice of lemon in the Sun could cause stains.

  1. sesame seeds

*You can get them in a naturist or Botany shop


1.- A handful of sesame seeds
2.- A toothbrush

How it works:
Chew the seeds for two minutes and then, with the dry brush rub well each tooth. Do not finish the mixture; throw it away and rinse the mouth.

4 brushed Strawberry


1- 2 good sized sliced strawberries.

How it works:
Rub slices of Strawberry to the length and width of the teeth for 7 minutes. Please, do not forget to back. Then rinse well with lukewarm water and repeat the remedy daily before sleeping.

  1. activated carbon


1.- Activated carbon powder. You can find it in herbolarias or natural food stores.

How it works:
Brush your teeth with this powder for a couple of minutes. Don't be scared by the dark color. Once you rinses you, you'll see that your teeth looks white and clean.

Remember that these remedies should be applied once a week, with the exception of strawberries and activated carbon. Now, if your problem with scale is more severe and you've hoarded it for months or years, it is urgent to visiting the dentist because this substance may harm you teeth, gums, and other areas of the mouth, and perhaps already has caused you pain.

Don't forget to visit the dentist every 6 months for reviews; so you can identify any problem in time instead of waiting they make conditions more difficult, painful, and costly to resolve. You must also change your toothbrush every 3 months, approximately, and frequently disinfect.

Another way to keep your teeth plaque-free is by eating fruits such as apples and melon, as well as green leafy vegetables, such as lettuce and spinach.
Now know you, there's no excuse for not having commercial smile!

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This is a good post and should have more upvotes. I will in fact bookmark this and try it out. Hopefully I get my teeth super white :)

Thank you very much for your support, I assure you that if the methods work!

Sounds good :)

Love strawberries.