Well my life has taken an interesting turn...

in #blog7 years ago

So I haven't done this in a while. Couple of reasons, a) general apathy

That's it.

So the other day I wake up. Roll out of my bed (elegantly of course) do the zombie walk to the bathroom and get my day started. Its important I explain how the day goes so the ending makes sense.

  • Wake up.
  • Snooze.
  • Wake up.
  • Snooze.
  • Wake up
  • Feed the cats
  • Bath and do bathroomy stuff - I even floss. Quite proud 
  • Get dressed and climb into car
  • Drive the 90 odd minutes to work
  • Spend about 10 hours at work being a happy little worker drone
  • Spend another 90 odd minutes driving home
  • Feed cats
  • Eat
  • Watch series
  • Sleep.

RINSE. AND REPEAT. .. sometimes there isn't any rinsing. Its just repeating. Like that Tom Cruise movie, except I don't save the world from an alien invasion. Otherwise it's basically the same premise.

Sound familiar to any of you? Mmmm. Life choices.

The other day without putting any thought into it I walked into my bosses office and said "I hate my job, this is my months notice"

I mean I had put thought into it, obviously. Don't most of us? Think about quitting? We think it, but obviously don't do it. Good god, obviously not! Give up employment? Stable income? I'm from South Africa. This shit isn't a joke. I cant just quit a job I've been doing for the last how many years. 

But I did. I just quit. Screw it. Boss was a bit shocked to say the least. 

I walked out Boss`s office and smiled triumphantly. HAH! I did it! I AM FREE! I AM NO LONGER A WORKER DRONE! I AM A FREE LITTLE BUTTERFLY!!

_happy drone happy drone happy drone_

At least that's what was playing in my mind cinema. In reality I wanted to kick myself, go back to my boss and beg forgiveness. What in the actual fuck was I thinking? Had I actually just done that? Am I in some sort of LSD flashback? Is this a dream? 

Nope. Reality. 

So here I am. Trying to make sense of it all. Ive had some time to think about it. Maybe I had some sort of crazy moment where my heart took over from my brain for a split second, and just took control of my life. Maybe it was needed.

I am unemployed soon. I am not rich. I dont have a trust fund. I come from a poor family. I dont have an education. Most importantly I dont care. I refuse to live the drone life, i just refuse. 

I believe that I am worth more. 

So, here we go! I am going to update my struggles here, for posterity. One day when I'm living in a dumpster maybe someone can print it out and I can read it. 

Or you know, one day when I am free of doing things I hate, for reason that I don't agree with, to profit people I don't care for. When I am free of that I will re-read this and be happy that my heart took over from my brain for a moment. 

Adios for now.

.... I wonder what benefits McDonalds employment has.


Really life is truly like how you described :) But we should be happy with it and I am happy

I am a greedy piggy. Always more happiest to be had!
Reading someone is happy, increases my happiness. Thanks for that :)