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RE: My Apologies for Being so Inactive.. Depression is Kicking my Ass.

in #blog8 years ago

I am struggling to write something here that won't sound trite. It's hard to do this via typed words on a screen. So I will just keep this as simple as honest as possible. I have been there man. I know no-one can feel exactly how you do but I reached my version of bottom over twenty years ago. There are some cliches that people will throw at you right now "time will heal", "you will learn form this and come out stronger", "humans are strong enough to endure far more than we think", "you will end up far happier in the ing run". There is a reason these are all cliches... it's because they are true. I experienced it first hand. It was really fucking hard but if you fight and stay strong, you will see each of those cliches become reality. If you can just focus on one day at a time and just make it through that day, then the next, then the next you will be ok. For me it was finding one positive thing to do each day. If I could just commit to doing that one positive thing and then I actually followed through it really helped. Maybe your positive thing is art. Maybe it is helping a friend. maybe it is teaching someone to draw or writing some code. Whatever it is, please find it. It that doesn't do it, you could always just keep drawing funny pictures. Maybe knowing you are making others smile will be a start. Good luck man and hang in there. Be strong and fight. It will get better, but you have to fight and keep fighting until time can start to do its job.


I appreciate the share of experience and knowledge.

I just feel gutted and sort of empty. The worst part is, is that I know that I don't just get over this one.
We broke up 2 years prior and then got back together.. In those 2 years apart no amount of booze, drugs or women could take my mind off that girl.

Knew when we got together it would be for keeps or I'd end up like I am now.. My entire being aches.

I know plenty of people on here enjoy my work.. But I can't even get into the zone it seems anymore.

Time is the only thing that can help. Be strong and let time do its work. For some people drugs and booze actually slow down the process and increase the time it takes to heal. That may or may not be the case for you. Either way, its tough to speed up the process. You have a wound that needs to heal. You will heal. All you can do is be determined to fight and never give up until it does. I don't mean to get too personal, but maybe you will click with a counselor. There is no saying you can't get a little help in the healing process. There are some out there that are really good at what they do. I got a lot of help back in the day.

Councellors have never worked for me.. Took some psychology in school so when they psycho-analyze me I knowingly botch the thing. Never have been able to deal with shrinks and their psycho-babble-bullshit.