
My son tries that give-an-answer-before-being-asked-a-question tactic too. Doesn't work. Tisk tisk.

I feel terribly ashamed. May I please have a chocolate chip to cheer me up? ;-)

Quick answer: seven minus three! Go!

Well, let's see . . . we carry the two and add the square root of the hypotenuse, so we get four with a 3.9 margin of error. (After all that, I probably still don't get any chocolate chips. Muttering, "Probably grade on a curve, too."

At the word "hypotenuse" I shut down. I'm not ready for language belonging to math above the fourth grade. Here, just take the whole bag.

(Grabbing bag by its hypotenuse) Good. I was afraid you were going to ask me what it means. ;-)