thanks man! I didn't actually show my room, it was to the left of the room in the back. My room is just a bed and a desk and since I work online there is used garbage all over the place. I thought it would be better to just let people imagine what it would look like... haha.
I have always rented houses in the past and bought furniture because I was CERTAIN that i was not going to move again. I have moved a dozen times at least in the past 10 years and I am friggin sick of making trips to move boxes and boxes of what is essentially garbage, from one place to the next.
I think i will not start to collect things again until I am married (if that ever happens) in the meantime I need to keep my entire life in one suitcase and two medium size plastic boxes. This should be easier to do in Thailand than other countries because fashion is relatively unimportant and it is never cold. cheers!
Who needs fasion when u have thousand types of dishes to taste!
Thailand is like a dream place for me. Its my dream to visit it at least once in my life. I want to taste all lind of street foods there and wanna click the temples and artifacts. Hope God will give me a chance and make my dream come true. 😄
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