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RE: Islam is not a religion of rubbish, islam love peace (help irish people from starvation)

in #blog7 years ago (edited)

"Islam never encourages endless wars for the conquest of religion " you say ! That is simply put a lie and you know it full well @ahmedyusuf !

"Seek out your enemies relentlessly." (Surah 4:103-)

"Believers, take neither Jews nor Christians for your friends." (Surah 5:51)

"Make war on them until idolatry shall cease and God's religion shall reign supreme." (Surah 8:36-)

"...make war on the leaders of unbelief...Make war on them: God will chastise them at your hands and humble them. He will grant you victory over them..." (Surah 9:12-)

"Fight against such as those to whom the Scriptures were given [Jews and Christians]...until they pay tribute out of hand and are utterly subdued." (Surah 9:27-)

"Muhammad is God's apostle. Those who follow him are ruthless to the unbelievers but merciful to one another." (Surah 48:29)

should I go on ?? Your religion is not a religion, its a political doctrine based on war, subjugation and enslavement of non Muslims ! So when you claim your religion is one based on Peace and respect then you either have not read your" holy " book or you are misleading this community with things which are not true !



be provided that right, what you have mentioned above in the comments do not correspond to the actual content of even very much distorted its meaning, do not translate the origin
QS 4:103 stated about the prayer, however your particular translation is much different

In Kenya, they strike innocent people all the time. They ask guys to recite the prayer. If you can't, you're killed. Muslims survive. This is not a story: it has happened in my country. As I said above, for something that's supposed to be a good thing, religion is something else.

We've had the same type of conflict in Christian ireland between catholics and protestants. Religion doesn't create enemies, people do.

complicated or not happened, it's all there is cause. sometimes making a region complicated by an unwise leader. or there is also a result of provocation, and there is also a result of hard head. but in fact no one wants his life to get a failure in life. but because one of them there are pros and cons. that's where the battle took place.

Isn't it time we asked ourselves whether religion is doing more harm than good. This could be equated to the gun or no-gun argument. Guns don't kill people, people kill people. But should guns be everywhere?

I do agree that it probably does more harm than good. But I believe people should be allowed to voluntarilly follow whatever religion suits them if they find a benefit to being part of a community of the same belief system. 9 times out of 10 religion is about teaching morality. On the grand scale, it becomes harmful when it is used to control people, because knowing what people firmly believe makes them vulnerable to having those beliefs used against them. All you need to do to make something that is immoral perceived as OK (or the lesser evil) is to use their faith in their religion to rationalise it and then start preaching/teaching that through the institution. If the stories and narratives can be manipulated to portray women as greater sinners, or portray sex outside of permission from the church (wedlock) as a sin, then this is what I believe is happening.

Rather than do away with religion completely (as I wouldn't say it's possible) I would say that culturally people need to start teaching acceptance of all faiths and rejection of institutionalised faith. Religion isn't always institutionalised. Sometimes it can be just a community of shared faith, which exists due to human nature. The challenge would be to allow everybody to both accept the existence of other faiths within their community and reject any belief they find morally challenging, regardless of who they learn it from. I think the problems arise when we give full authority to these institutions to command and determine what our religion is.

Agreed! Thank you for arguing it out extremely soberly. Wish you all the light in the world 😊