What in the world is Goldmoney + Friday night at home goods + Joe Rogan meets Goldmoney 18k Gold card!

in #blog8 years ago

Hello Steemians!

It's been awhile since I've posted about Goldmoney, as life has gotten quite busy for me lately.

If there is one thing I learned from my Where in the world is Goldmoney challenge, https://steemit.com/steemit/@goldmatters/goldmoney-brings-world-together-on-steemit-over-where-in-the-world-is-goldmoney-challenge-part-i ) from the number of awesome questions I got from Steemians, there needs to be some clarity as to WHAT in the world Goldmoney is.


If you already know what Goldmoney is, and have been waiting for an excuse to open a Goldmoney holding and start buying some gold, you can start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

For a simple explanation, taken right from the Goldmoney website: "Goldmoney is the easiest way to invest in physical gold and silver bullion online. We safeguard nearly $2 billion of assets for clients in 150 countries."

Also taken from the site: " A Goldmoney Holding is a custodial account with allocated, segregated, and physically redeemable bullion belonging to its owner. It’s more secure than traditional accounts at a bank or investment firm, and has lower risks and costs than owning precious metals ETFs. "

For those you prefer a brief introduction to Goldmoney via YouTube, check this out:

Dont want to commit to 4 minutes??

Here is the 30 second version!


The best way I can explain is that Goldmoney looks and feels like an online bank account, but instead of maintaining a balance in your local currency, you own allocated precious metals in a vault of your choosing around the world.

So instead of having a balance in USD, or CAD, etc, your balance is in gold grams. You can add to your precious metals holdings over time to use as savings, or transact, spend or send the gold.

Goldmoney is not a cryptocurrency...it is a way for you to own physically vaulted gold, silver, platnium or palladium.

Goldmoney is a Publicly listed corporation XAU, XAUMF.

Now for what everyone is reading this blog for: Friday night at home goods!!!

Home Goods might not seem like the most exciting adventure for a Friday night, but when you find things like this creepy black velvet hand to put your 18k gold Goldmoney card in, it can be!


Of course creepy black velvet hands aren't the only interesting thing at Home Goods on a friday night. To celebrate the upcoming fall season, we found this amazing gold pumpkin!


Leave it up to me to find the only book in Home Goods about gold:


Normally I wouldn't just stand in the middle of a store and read a random book, but a book on gold, why it is a store of value, why it is such a special element, it's historical ability to maintain purchasing power over time - all up my ally!


Finally Steemians, I would like to share something very cool and very special with you. Remember the Goldmoney 18k Gold card featured above with the creepy black velvet hand and featured in several of my previous blogs?

It has made the big time! Recently Joe Rogan: https://mobile.twitter.com/joerogan had a podcast where he got to hold one of these cards for the first time... and he went crazy!

Check it out just a couple minutes into this shortened clip:

It's an absolute must watch video, and there is a detailed explanation of Goldmoney after Joe Rogans reaction to the gold card. He also asks to hold the Goldmoney gold card AGAIN at the end of the video.

I am hoping through the various methods in this blog Steemians have gained a greater understanding of what in the world Goldmoney is.

Based on the question I receive and feedback from this blog, I can delve deeper when I find the time to write the next one. Thanks for reading Steemians and stay cool!!


To sign up for a Goldmoney Holding start here: https://www.goldmoney.com/w/goldmatters

I am on a personal mission to spread the world about Goldmoney through any means necessary. Goldmoney allows indivuals to empower themselves by protecting their savings by owning small or large amounts gold previously inaccessible to regular people like you and me.

Read more:




There are 2 pages

Awesome gol money master card is amazing its incredible and that your tshirt is good
and that pumkin you hold in nice ilike a gold.

Thank you so much for reading about Goldmoney :)

Its okay bro and you just didn't post any posts fron long term why ?

Yes I've gotten more busy so my time available to post has gotten more limited, but I still have time to engage and read on Steemit every day :)

Oh bro but dont leave your work bro keep it up

Sir really so nice steemit working, thanks for good sharing

Following for updates.....

Amazing gold money master card. It's absolutely amazing........
I want to use it. I'm from Bangladesh. Is thus card supported our country

Me too.

wow fantastic post @goldmatters, you really explained well that what gold money actually is, well i definitely spread the gold money to big investors which i know should take interest in this metal bank. thanks you very much for sharing.

Thank you for reading about Goldmoney! I would love for help spreading the word:)

Oh, I need to get this card!

It's pretty awesome!! Thanks for reading about Goldmoney :)

I want to get this card goldmatters.

Apply for a card through your Goldmoney holding!

Black hand was too creepy I'm out! Lol I will open account one day I've already done some research. The cubes of gold are too powerful to resist. How does the card hold up over time? Are u putting that sucker in your wallet?

The card holds up very well! It's gold! It could stay at the bottom of the ocean for 5000 years and be fine :)... and the card is kept at a secure undisclosed location ;)

What a interesting article @goldmatters as a bullion collector the move to digital trading has risen to new heights over the past few years. I think the biggest benefit is for people that travel and are not in one physical location to ensure their coins and bars are safe and secure at all times. This opens up the door for people who thought that having to worry about safes etc in the premesis is no longer a blocker and makes the transition to jump on the bandwagon so to speak so much easier. I've just followed you and hope for more great content in my feed.

Thank you for your insightful thoughts! I agree. It's comforting to have your metal stored and vaulted with armed security.

No problem, it's an exciting time to be a stacker that's for sure!

Wow..brilliant i want that goldmoney card..this gonna be an enteresting! Great article sir @goldmatters

Thank you for reading about Goldmoney :).... and for knighting me!

Welcome sir @goldmatters, i've been looking that treasure since you came up here..but you lost for a while! And now your back :)

i am glad to learn about goldmoney through your post, the master card looks awesome, i should give it a try.

Thank you for reading about Goldmoney! It IS awesome!

Good stuff @goldmoney! Great videos explaining how Goldmoney.com works

Hey thanks goldsilversteemer!!! Great to see a member :)

nice to see you posting again

can you buy cryptos with a gold money card? and do you have the same protection as a standard credit card?

The gold price has been a bit of a Frosty the snowman for about the last 5 years, but it looks like that's starting to thaw now. Great post and thanks for the video's, cheers.

Thanks for reading silverbug! What's interesting is that in almost every currency globally there has been almost no frost at all! And as you say now USD terms are catching up to the rest of the world:)

Goldmoney mission is amazing! Great work! Keep it up! This master card looks fascinating! Where can i get one? :)

thank you!! Apply through your goldmoney holding!

Thank you @goldmatters. This is indeed a very good explanation. I don't think there are a lot questions of what is goldmoney now. Hope to see your next post soon again. #GOLDMONEYISEVERYWHERE

Thanks for your support as always @rival !


Thanx, I hope you check-out also my latest post.. Now we have to hope that Steem will climb the coming years... Then I will see the US and you can buy some more gold.. #GOLDMONEYISEVERYWHERE



That's fantastic!! I'm sure their reaction will be golden

thanks buddy for sharing such awesome post which brought smile on my families face ...the loved the golden pumpkin the most and that sparking glitter over it is just insane piece of art.....

Great post buddy it was awesome to see it on Joe Rogan i love watching his blogs he really digs in deep and thinks around the box! That velvet hand was indeed creepy lol , ive grown pumpkins this year so im going out to get a can of gold paint today :) cheers bud

I can't wait to see your gold pumpkin! The one


@goldmatters, you really explained well that what gold money actually is,

I will go through the material carefully as.SUCH AN QUALITATIVE CONTENT.

Nice graphic!! I hope that fiat is being exchanged for GOLD :)

its nice to see some gold color in this post gold is shining:) btw where you found snow in this time of year? As i get with goldmoney you can invest in gold and silver? are they planning to expand for more variances?

Lol the picture is from a few months back:) it was cold in the snow without my shirt and hat let me tell you!........ With a Goldmoney holding you can also buy platnium and palladium in addition to silver and gold

That is a great work..well done...u think and concerned of least people's...thank u for share continue shine @goldmatters.

Thanks for reading about goldmoney:)

best explanation ever :) thanks for telling us about goldmoney :)

Thank you! I decided it was time once and for all to make things clear since I was getting so many questions about Goldmoney!

yeah its the best thing you know if u didnt explained it like this the people wont get it and they would just ignore it like other posts get ignored 😍

again thanks for the nice explanation sir 😊😉😍😘😗😙😚

I recommended a client that flies private and forgot to ask if you guys offer a referral fee... Btw, when are you guys doing the "goldmoney was here" thing again?

There is a referal program through your Holding..... https://www.goldmoney.com/holding-referral-program .... as for #goldmoneywashere I'm not sure I will have time to run another of those for a while BUT there are regular giveaways on social media that include a chance to win gold....https://steemit.com/money/@goldmatters/attention-steemit-goldmoney-gold-giveaway-on-twitter-and-instagram

Great goal man, I'm gonna research more about this gold money.
I just saw your post in the tag promoted, in second or third place and makes me wonder, how much do you invest in promote? I normally promote with something between 0.1 and 1.0 SBD, I know is not much, but I expected to get more views with that, and maybe Im doing it wrong or maybe sending more money could help me more. Im sorry to bother you with this topic in your post, but you seem to be n experienced user here.

Thanks for reading!... I would not consider myself an expert beyond anything Goldmoney related lol but to try an answer your question.... Ive noticed generally that it takes quite a bit of promotion investment to get the extra views. Anything lower than the top 5.... well I'm not sure its going to be worth it. This will probably improve as steemit continues to grow. You can actually see exactly how much people are spending by clicking the down arrow next to the current payout amount. It will show you the promotion cost of each post. Good luck! :)

Oh ok now I understand, I'm gonna start to pay more attention to those promote costs on big money posts and see how it might work. Thanks a lot for your answer man, really helped me. Good luck to you too!

Great and educational post about Goldmoney :) Keep up with the good work!

P.S. I can not believe how cool that Goldmoney card is. Now I will be on a personal mission of obtaining one.

Great to have you back and the Joe Rogan clip is awesome! A couple quick things, first, make sure you claim your pocket Steemit tokens before the program expires on Monday. You can use them as rewards for future Goldmoney contests. @biophil has all of the details on his blog. Secondly, did you know you can now buy gold with Steem? How cool is that!! @veldtgold has all the details on his blog.

Very cool! Thank you for the resteem! Yes I wrote about turning Steem into gold a while back, but the more ways to do this the better:) https://steemit.com/goldmoney/@goldmatters/turn-steem-into-gold

Just resteemed this to my 3,000 followers! tip!

I haven't considered gold yet but what you write here makes a lot of sense and I forgot about Peter Schiff since reading Crash Proof years ago... something definitely to look into further now. Thank you for this eye-opening post.

Your welcome! There is lots of info on the Goldmoney website as a resource :)

This seems like a good way to get some gold assets, or am I getting this wrong?

You are getting exactly right:) Goldmoney is a very inexpensive way to purchase gold :)

Well, then it's time to get started then. Thank you, this is really handy.

Delivered as promised! Check it out at the footer of my latest beer tasting! I hope it gets you more clicks!

Let's keep in touch. I'll look after your future posts!

Fantastic!! Thank you so much

This is very detailed explanation. Thank you @goldmatters.

Thanks Geekgirl! How's seattle???

Summer is over, weather is getting cooler. Rains will start soon and things be normal again.

For a second I thought that was a haiku!!

Now I know what haiku is :)

Geek girl is so cool
She has Steemit expertise
Curation she does

Gold is going to the moon faster than steem with the recent bullish movement.

Now i can share it with other people and investers and hope in future i too will able to invest in goldmoney.
All the best for goldmoneyThanks for explaining about goldmoney clearly @goldmatters

Thank you for reading!

I had no idea what this was until I just watched these videos. This is really cool idea and I think it will be the way of the future. I was thinking that if I opened an account, I would never spend any of it (Which isn't a bad thing.) but it would be awful nice to have it if you needed emergency cash quick. Thanks for sharing this information!

Thanks for checking out Goldmoney :)

Thanks for sharing with us.
We should cut that pumpkin and take its seeds so we can grow more gold pumpkins :P

I remember you showing us the card in a post before as well, probably the best MasterCard I've seen and will look into it .

Ps- loving the shirt

Thank you! You are a great supporter:)

I just saw your goldmoneywashere challenge that ended last month what a cool Idea if you ever do another I live in Florida and can try to get a photo of something historic or iconic in the area.

I love it! I'll still take submissions at the least ill likely resteem it ;)

Thanks a lot for the support, I'll advertise you my next post!


Why gold but not STEEM?;)

Why not both? :)

why not both hey

Why would I invest in gold, please?

Great question! Gold is not actually an investment per say. I think of gold as savings, or simply - money. Gold has maintained its purchasing power vs every fiat currency over time historically. So its not a vehicle to make you rich..... but a vehicle to keep you from going poor :)

You did it, maken it even more clear what is goldmoney about. Perfect vids and information. I wondering who is not on the GOLD ! Thanks for this good post.

Thanks for checking out my post about Goldmoney!

That dude looks rather golden himself!

You have already been wrong about this blog. I will try to see you soon.

This is really worth investing for especially that the price of Gold is appreciating over the last ten years. Thanks for posting such an informative article.

Thanks for reading about Goldmoney!

I was wondering where your posts were, glad you are back, needed this update ;)... Soo there is a Gold Money card??? dude that's cool!! (BTW love the snowman)

Thank you! Yes its very cool :)

Thanks for this post @goldmatters with the help of your post we will understand about the goldmoney

That's what I'm hoping for! Thanks for reading about goldmoney

thanks you very much for telling us what exactly the gold money is, i think this information needs to reach all over the world so the peoples get most benefit out of it, upvoted and resteemed.

Thanks! That's how I feel too! Goldmoney's core mission is to democratize access to gold.

Thanks for sharing, this is an interesting post. I love it

Thanks for reading about Goldmoney

Post of the day.i resteem your post.also follow and upvote you.best of luck

Thank you for reading about Goldmoney :)

I think crypto will replace precious metals... I certainly trust crypto more. This is not decentralized, or unregulated ;-)

Thanks for reading about Goldmoney! I have no problem with cryptocurrency. I'm a bit suprised people seem to think gold and cryptocurrency compete with each other. I think there is plenty of room for both to serve different purposes in a portfolio. Thank you for your thoughts:)

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