She Asked Photoshop Experts To Make Her ‘Beautiful’ So They Did THIS…

in #blog8 years ago

Here's the original image. The photo editors from each country sent back extraordinarily different results.


This image was sent from Albania.

Algeria opted for a more mystical aesthetic.

The United States focused on makeup and hair.

Here's another edit from the United States.

And a third from the US, which kept it most natural.

Brazil kept it natural.

The European Union editor when out of the way to lighten her skin.

Israel gave her more gaunt, severe features.

One Macedonia editor kept the changes soft.

But another editor from Macedonia preferred to give her a heavily made up look.

Mexico added clothing.

Montenegro preferred a more contoured look.

The editor from the Netherlands widened her face.

Pakistan opted for a cooler edit.

Portugal's edits were subtle.

Singapore opted for a slightly different skin tone.

Slovenia completely changed the shape of her face.

The United Kingdom blurred her facial features.

Sri Lanka added more depth to her skin tone.

Sweden lightened her eyes and highlighted her skin.

Vietnam slimmed her frame and face noticably.

And finally, India added a bit of modesty to her bare decolletage.


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The 2nd Macedonian and Sri Lanka are the winners.
I think the Slovenian didn't understand the question.

Nice one. I go with the Mexican.

India made it decent and still looks natural, with a bit of enhancement of skin tone.

I like the ones that kept her natural or as close to....she was naturally beautiful...I was sickened at the ones that changed in her skin color..altering her body or face shape...etc...and the ones that just added clothes didn't offend me...but thats just my opinion :) :)