Let's Talk About Resteems

in #blog6 years ago

Greeting's Steemian's

Let's have a little chat about resteems, shall we?

If you are new here, you may not even know what a resteem is. So what is a resteem? Simply put, it is you sharing someone else's article on your own blog.

If you don't know how to resteem yet, you are probably ultra new, and I would suggest a quick search on how to resteem. It's not difficult, and if you know where the upvote button is, you are pretty close to the resteem button. A little common sense in this respect should help you find it.

So you may or may not have wondered, should I resteem? Is resteeming a detriment to my progress on Steemit? How will people view me if I resteem regularly?

I will start out by saying this. Not many people actually really care what you do on Steemit, so long as it does not interfere with what they are doing on Steemit. This may come a shock to you, you may disagree entirely, but in my time here, I've realized that this is indeed the truth. Some people do actually care, and oft time's their disgust or reprimand is generally dismissed. You may find yourself with a ton of Steemit friends, and perhaps the Steemit friends you have, might adhere to certain standards. They may frown upon resteeming, or they may embrace it. It is entirely dependent on who these friends turn out to be, and how many there are.

I've had friends here that come and go, and a select few that stick around, but it's difficult to engage with a huge circle of people on Steemit, (For me anyways). Don't expect yourself to be having interactions with 100 people on a daily basis. It's just not going to happen, unless you are superhuman, and if you try, you may find yourself not living up to your own expectations, or worse, becoming encumbered by not meeting the expectations of others. Try to avoid this pitfall. (That advice is geniune), but I digress. Let's get back to the topic at hand.

Some people regard resteeming as an inflation of ego. As to say "I like this, so you should too," but I don't agree with this mindset. My thought is, "I like this, so I would like to share this with you, because I find it interesting, and you may find it interesting as well." If you do not agree with my mindset, well, I care not. You are welcome to feel however you wish regarding this topic.

Some people wish to have a nice clean look on their blog; each and every article looking exactly the same, beautiful and organized. I can see the value in this, and I enjoy going to a blog that looks nice and organized. I tip my hat to those who can maintain such organization in an unorganized reality, but within my disorganization, is organization. We are all creatures of pattern, whether we realize it or not. So it becomes work for me to deviate from my normal way of being. I don't wish to do so, and I think you have already deduced, that I advocate resteeming, but there is a limit to this of course!

The compulsive resteemer will find himself shunned usually, (unless he/she is running a resteem service) I follow a couple resteeming services, and utilize them. The extra exposure is indeed minimal, but it's extra exposure nonetheless, and you will get some extra attention/upvotes once in a while if you utilize them. This is tried, and true, but if you decide to do some resteeming yourself, there are some things to consider such as:

  • Quality of resteemed posts, shitposts, vs. quality (open for interpretation).

  • How often you resteem, few times a week, vs. 5 times a day.

  • Total obliteration of visibility of your own posts, vs. your most recent post still visible without scrolling down too far.

  • Resteeming of friends posts vs. random trending/or interesting posts you see...

In my humble opinion, these are the most important aspects to consider if you are going to resteem.

I very rarely will resteem a post from someone I don't know, unless that shit is gold.. And I very rarely will resteem a shitpost, unless its a friend, and I wish to share their shit with others. (Most of my friends don't shitpost IMO).

I think we're all entitled to the occasional shitpost of course, and I really don't care if anyone disagrees with that notion. I work hard on my blogs, I try to style with markdown, I try to make my posts visually appealing, I add imagery, I proof read before posting, ect. I put WORK into my blogs, so once in a while I don't put work in. I just share some random thoughts, and type away. Like today, this is a perfect example of a semi shit post. A little work put into it, but not much. For some, it may take an immense amount of work to produce a post like this. It is all relevant to how fast you type, and how well you are able to express your thoughts in text, but here I am digressing again.

I'm going to start wrapping this up now, because the common theme on Steemit, and everywhere else is: (No one has time to read this shit, make it brief and to the point). Well, I just type until I am done typing. I don't exactly conform to a general one size fits all mindset. Someone is likely going to read this entire post, someone is likely going to resteem this post, because as shitpostish as is it, it's still awesome, I know it is, because I wrote it, and evidently I am in one of those half shitty ego inflated moods today, but it's ok, because we are entitled to have days like that...Yes, we are..

So I would advise when resteeming the awesomeness you find, to consider some futuremind thoughts. I am not claiming to have it all figured out, but I think the compulsive resteemer finishes somewhere last, and the non resteemer is usually holier than thou. If you think something is good, and others may like it, well...Resteem that shit...Help the person out with some visibility, its the least you can do if you like their post. If you like it, chances are, some others will like it too.

There is nothing wrong with being a little selfish with your blog, but there is also nothing wrong with helping your friends out on Steemit. As they say, "One hand washes the other".

That's it, I'm done.

Resteem this post

Much love,



Not many people actually really care what you do on Steemit, so long as it does not interfere with what they are doing on Steemit

This is a really liberating thought @futuremind, many thanks, it's been very helpful to me of late :D

A great post i.must say on resteeming. I do resteem posts i find useful and once in a while i resteem a few good ones here and there but i don't want them flooding my profile too at thesame time. So i am kin on the number and quality of posts i resteem.

How you resteem, I consider to be the smart way. Flooding is no good, and it takes away from your own blog. Good thinking my friend. Thanks for stopping by!

Another great post!

I have invited you for the Minnow Booster whitelist which gives lots of benefits for quality authors, among which a higher upvote. You can read more about the MB white list on @minnowbooster or reead this post.


If you have any questions you can come to the white list channel in the Minnow Booster discord.

Wow! Thank you for inviting me to whitelist. I'm very grateful. I joined the minnowbooster discord right before typing this. What a great incentive for users to put forth their best efforts in creating quality content.

Do I need to take any action to get whitelisted, or does this mean I am now on the whitelist?

You are very welcome. Now 5 other people on the white list have to approve your application before you whitelist status is final.

I was able to receive assistance in the discord. Thank you again for your invite!

Great! Welcome on board.

Thanks for this discussion. As a newbie, these posts really help me. Upvoted and followed. Looking forward to more.

I'm happy you found this post helpful! Best wishes you to you, I hope Steemit ends up being a pleasant experience for you! Welcome to the platfrom!

Haha..am sorry but i was laughing while reading the mid part of this post..and I really read the whole thing....and I must say, GREAT POST! lololol as what others would say 😂

Well, I always resteem my sis (@evlachsblog)'s post because not only she is... well, my sis obviously..but she works every post with her heart on it.. you both do have that mindset when creating a post...markdowns with creativity and all..

I actually have this diff.mindset when it comes to resteeming.. I resteem because i want to add color on my page...I love seeing other people's art, craft, their substance in life...so when I, myself, go to my own page, I love re-reading their post to be inspired.

So, keep on steeming and resteeming my friend... i loved what you said on the last part

There is nothing wrong with being a little selfish with your blog, but there is also nothing wrong with helping your friends out on Steemit. As they say, "One hand washes the other".


I never really thought about this aspect of adding color to your page by resteeming, but it really does indeed add color. Sometimes I resteem pictures of flowers from my friends blogs, so I guess by doing this, I am also adding some color!

Thanks for reading. I am happy you got a nice laugh out of it. That was partially my intentions with the post, but it was also intended to make people think a bit, and it appears as though I have succeeded with my intentions!

You and your sister are very active on Steemit! People like her, and yourself, are the lifeblood of Steemit, and it helps keep the place cheerful during dips in the market. Keep up the great work my friend!

This is the most comprehensive post on resteeming that I've seen here. I can't think of anything that you didn't cover. :-)

and, btw, I found your post because it was resteemed by @evlachsblog.
Just goes to show.

See! Resteeming isn't useless after all! I'm gonna have to stop by @evlachsblog and show some love!

Likely yours too, because with a name like @bananamemos, you've certainly piqued my interest ;)

Thank you, @futuremind. I would love that. :-)

Hope you stop by and see what we've got goin' on, @futuremind. We're a collective of anthropomorphized bananas with LOTS to say. :-D

Well that sounds enticing! I certainly do love bananas!!! I've never really considered having a conversation with one, but altering one's neuroplasticity can actually be a good thing. I look forward to this thought provoking concept.
༼ つ ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ

Haha!!! It's actually fun talking to this bunch of bananas. I thought I was going bananas, but no... it has actually helped me with my sanity on Steemit, with all the crypto language I don't know about.

Well that makes me feel like this wasn't a complete shitpost :) Thank you very much for the compliment!

I'm happy you enjoyed the read.

Thanks for reading and commenting!

And one more thing, I also do hate SELFISH HUMAN BEING.... not the kind of hate that I am bitter but I just don't like that kind of person. So yea... you were like speaking on my behalf lol thanks 👐

So yea... you were like speaking on my behalf lol thanks 👐

lol, yes there are a few of those types lurking around, but I think there are many more that are not selfish, and it shows! So much love on Steemit. This is the greatest platform I have ever used!!

PS. I heard your singing blog to your man on Father's day. I don't think I left a comment because I was busy and forgot, but it was beautiful, and you did a fantastic job!

Haha yes I did..I always do it for hubby..thought of sharing it so others can also be inspired that even couple is already married, they can still always do things that make each other smile.. because sometimes, simple things make it a great spot in someone's heart. 💕 thanks for watching my 'not-really-good' version of myself haha... if there's stolen shot, that one was "on the spot thought" of making a video..didn't care how I look and how bad sound I could be lol i immediately uploaded it and thats it 😂

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

I think you did a wonderful job, and I think your hubby is a lucky man to have such a thoughtful, beautiful woman like you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Aww.. thank you 💕😁💞

This comment was made from https://ulogs.org

The #resteem section here usually has a handful of Steemians offering free resteems. I find they work just as good as paid for ones. Which is not very well but as you said it does add some extra visibility.

One of my post this week was resteemed 23 times and counting and it didn't do any better then any other post I created that may of only got resteemed 5 times.

Yeah, the resteem services are pretty minimal for extra visibility, but you do get some. I don't think I have ever received a whale vote from resteeming, so maybe you will scrape a couple of cents from some dustvotes if you are lucky.

In my opinion, the best resteem services to use, are the one's that force you to follow them, because then, you will be showing up on a bunch of other other helpless souls feeds that are slaved to the resteem force follow. Just food for thought. Choose the best forceful resteem/follow service. There is this one I use, you can find it in my wallet, I had this post resteemed with the service. They are a pay for resteem service, but I personally like them, because the individuals who use the service are weird, and I am always seeing weird ass posts on my feed that tend to be interesting to me. Sometimes, I upvote them and comment. So that service is working.

I know the resteem service you speak of and have been getting resteemed by it. There is a cheap one I use that upvotes and resteems. The resteems are delayed though so if you want an instant resteem its not the best option.

I never used any of the more expensive ones so they may work better but I have no clue. When I was looking into the service a few months back I would go down the feed of some of the more expensive resteem bots to see the ROI and it wasn't looking good so I refrained from using them.

The one I am speaking of is xtdevelopment. They are my favorite because of the weirdness I see, and some genuine cool stuff. They may be a bit on the expensive side, but I don't really think so. Check them out.

I might do a little resteemer hunting just because I am bored, and too tired to write a post. For such a small overall active user base, there never seems to be an end to the interesting things I find on steemit.

Ahh yes .. Now I see .. I only noticed the rcr resteem the first time I checked. I will give xtdevelopment a shot the next time I resteem. resteemr is the penny resteem bot I usually use. It gives an upvote as well and only cost 0.01.

Hmm I will check them out. Thanks for the chat bro!

Love the post about resteeming, so guys now that you know what it's all about. I'm here to offer you a pretty sweet deal, and it costs you nothing!

This post was resteemed by @rcr.bis Resteem Service.

Follow @rcr.bis to have your posts upvoted and resteemed plus a chance to win @steembasicincome shares.