in #blog7 years ago


Adam was created innocent, but he fell. The second Adam, Christ was perfect.
Jesus was tempted just like you and I are, yet He never yielded unto any sin. Heb. 4:15
He was never violent or deceitful. Is. 53:9
Jesus “did no sin, neither was guile found in His mouth.” I Pet. 2:22
Jesus “knew no sin.” II Cor. 5: 21 He was sinless! Jn. 8:46
Jesus was “holy, harmless, and undefiled.” Heb. 7: 26
No wonder Pilate said, “I find no fault in this Man.” Lk. 23:4; Jn. 19:4
The Father said, “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased.” Mt. 3:17
Would you like Jesus to be pleased with you?
Jesus said, “I do always the things that are pleasing to Him.” Jn. 8:29
Jesus was innocent, immaculate, and always obedient unto His Father.
Jesus was longsuffering, meek, and lowly.
Jesus was holy, virtuous, and pure. He was faithful, just, and true.
He is our perfect Prophet, perfect Priest, and perfect King.
Jesus was full of compassion, love, and mercy. Love and wisdom were perfectly balanced and blended in Christ.
Christ is perfect and there is no injustice in Him.
He never erred in His impeccable judgment.
Jesus never uttered a loose, unwarranted, or idle word.
Oh, what moral excellence and perfection shines forth from that matchless Man of Galilee called, Christ Jesus.
No one ever surpassed Him, and nothing can ever exceed Him for He transcends all.
And if Jesus had not been the spotless Lamb of God that He was, He would not have been a worthy sacrifice for our sins, leaving us all doomed.
Jesus is “The Amen!” Rev. 3:14.


suitable message for this period, thanks for sharing

Hii fred.nice matter.