Secret to success from a billionare himself

in #blog7 years ago

Warren Edwaed Buffett is an American businessman, speccifically a business magnate, investor, and philantropist with a net worth of $93.2 billion USD. Yes, that's billion with a "b". His advice for success? It is all about the lists.
According to Buffett, your list will be the basis of your success. Your success is waiting for you in two separate lists. Buffett's two-list strategy has a little backstory.

It all started with a man named Mike Flint - Buffett's personal pilot - was talking to his boss about career and priorities. Buffet stopped him and guided him to a three-step exercise. Feel free to try this with us.

1.) Write down your 25 top career goals or for a short-term version, note down the things you want to achieve this year, this month, even this week.

2.) Take a good look of what you have written and reflect. Out of those 25 items, circle your top five most important goals, the big dogs, the most urgent.

3.) The list you circled belongs to list A and the remaining items belongs in list B. Now that you have your short list of priorities, what about the remaining 20? Let's get back to Flint and Buffett

Flint told Buffett that he would focus on the top 5 on his list and do it right away and work the other 20 on his spare time. According to Dinsmore, Flint said that the other 20 was still important for him and will work on it whenever he see fit. But they are not as important but he will still give it his best efforts. Buffett said no. "You've got it wrong Mike. Everything you did not encircle just became your Avoid-it-at-all-cost list. Divert your attention from them until you have completed your top 5" he added.

"Spending time on secondary priorities is the reason you have 20 unfinished projects."
"The most dangerous distractions are the ones you love but that love you back."

Also, eliminating the negative thoughts on your brain, negative people and environment helps you focus mkr on what you intend to achieve. Force yourself to focus on more important things. Complete a task or never do it at all.

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