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RE: The Evolution of my City with iPhone Photography

in #blog8 years ago (edited)

Starting to change!?!
Yeah, imagine it 30 years ago. Oh man it was so flippin' Awesome. I lived in the mission when it was still the mission! I lived in Berkeley when there were still a lot of warehouses boarded off into illegal apartments, chock full O' all sorts of wild artists and misfit toys. Wrestling on the train tracks in the dark, Sampling Saki at the Takara distillery, staying out all sorts of crazy hours. Having taxi's refuse to pick us up because we were laughing too hard, falling all over the place. The early Santa Cons with beer in a PineSol bottle - It was so much fun! I even spent a year living in Oakland at the Vulcan.

Santa Cruz too, woah. That place is so packed now, too many cars for me.
I guess I'll have to go to Iceland next since everyone seems to be slowly moving on Northwards where I bailed to, oh, about 10 years ago!



Nice, I know what you mean about the late nights, still happens today. :D I guess it still holds some of the same qualities today. Thanks for commenting.

Great photos! I should have led with that, DOH! I'm sure there's a lot of quality still, it is the citizens, as you mention, with lower incomes who are missing. OK and some of the old architecture.

A decade there is pretty sweet. I bet you've seen a lot!

Thanks, and yes the last decade here has been awesome. Let's just say I don't miss snow.